Fresh food amounts?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Somewhere in the desert, , Bahrain
I was wondering exactly how much fresh food would be sufficient for a bunny? Right now my three get a shallow soup dish every night filled with mixed veg and occasionally fruit (mainly spinach, mint, some parsley, a carrot, green beans, brocolli, some cauliflower, and sometimes baby corn, tomoato, apple or strawberries). In addition to this they get a big bowl of dry mix and loads of hay.

In the morning there's always a little fresh food left, which is gone by the end of the day.

What I'd like to know is roughly how much everyone else feeds their buns? I'll try to get a picture of their food dish tonight, so that you all can see how much my girls are getting...
We give our bunns unlimited greens. I am home during the day so if they run out I just wash up more for them. They usually get a mix of Romaine lettuce, dill, arugala, cilantro, parsley, anise, celery, dandelion and a medallion of carrot or a bit of apple as a treat. The bowls for the bunns hold about5 heaping cups of veggies each(we have 2 bowls).
Kahlua gets about 1 or 2 cups daily. it usually a mix of lettuce (romaine, green leaf, or red leaf), parsley or cilantro, celery, radish greens, and a bit of carrot or apple as a treat. i sometiems throw in some spinach or baby spinach or kale.
My two rabbits are about 10 pounds each and they get about 2 cups each. I usually buy bulk mixed field greens or make up my own mix of romaine, green or red leaf lettuce, parseley, cilantro, kale, dandelions, arugala, etc. I have two glass pie plates and I fill each of them once a day till they're heaping. Maybe it is closer to 3 cups each now that I think of it. House Rabbit Society gives some good info about it. If you read further down the article it talks about veggies. Here's the link:
So really, there's no such thing as too much? That's good, because my Heather eats like a pig! I'd say that the bulk of what they get is spinach. Tonight they've got spinach, lettuce, cabbage, celery, carrot, tomato, mint, green beans and brocolli. I took lots of pictures of them (and even managed to get in my first none-holding strokes!), so watch out for them in my blog thread! :D
I don't think you can give too many greens to a healthy rabbit as long as you gradually work your way up to that amount. You might want to try making up a mix that has fewer veggies with higher oxalates (i.e. spinach, kale, etc.) I do feed those to my guys in limited quantities and I switch it up but I try to keep it to one oxalate-heavy veggies per round. I think it was HRS or something that talks about it. Good luck!

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