French Lops?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
Just curious what you think of them...

We got one last weekend - her name is Scar (long story) but we'rechanging it to Beatrice. She's hilarious - I laugh so hard ather antics -she's like a puppy.

I just don't remember others on this board having french lops!

Gee Peg You have a shortmemory , we had this comnversation a few nightsago when You told us you bought a FrenchLop . I also posted about French Lops inTinys thread .
Hi,If you look at my picture thread you will see my two French lop boys. Scrappy and his dad Ivan.

They are full of personality and attitude! They keep us laughing allthe time and they are great Thumpers. The harder we laugh at them thegoofier they act.

They love to Thump and make the dogs bark thinking someone is at thedoor.They tease the dogs constantly and the dogs fall for it everytime!

They are something else! We just love them.
Oh God, Peg,

With all the health problems you've had with your rabbits and the manyyou have yet to find homes for. The pictures are so brutal.Please tell me you're not thinking of breeding or taking on anymore. :pray:

I'm still praying for the 22 does that the buck with the head tilt was bred to.

Me? Breed French Lops?Nope...I had mentioned it in Tiny's thread though and thought I'd seeif there were other French Lop owners here.

Carolyn,I'm not sure what pictures you've seen that arebrutal...but I won't post any more since I don't want to offendanyone.

You heard about my buck huh? Well, I figured I was riskingthings when I shared it in confidence with some folks...and the numberreally wasn't 22...sorry about the confusion. It turned outto be 9 does out of 22. Oh...and the buck? Wow..hiswry neck is almost gone! Thank God for goodmedicine. We did lose a lot of kits and a doe - but not dueto the mating - due to some feed problems with a major brand ~ once Iswitched feeds...things turned around.

Anyway - I was just trying to see who else had french lops...not a big deal.

Have a great holiday season everyone!

Peg & bunnies

P.S. I'm not having any problems finding homes for the rabbits...have lots of calls, etc.
TinysMom wrote:
P.S.? I'm not having any problems finding homes for the rabbits...have lots of calls, etc.

If you're having problems finding homes for your rabbits, then why doyou keep on posting adoption notes on this forum??? You contradictyourself.

Why refuse Jordiwes because you "don't know her and she wasn't on yourlist of people you'd prefer to take your rabbits?" I couldn't think ofa better home for rabbits to go to. Although, I do worry about howgenetically healthy your charges are as I have seen pictures and havefollowed your posts since you joined.

As to those pictures you haven't posted them here, but I'd be happy.Are you sure you want the members of this forum to see them?

Please take care of what you have before going any further into whatyou are doing - for the sake of the rabbits and any potential breedersor pet owners that buy from you. This is abuse and you need to get agrip.

By the way, if you do choose to use this forumas a venue for your rabbit sales, I'd suggest you register withDanielle Hayduk (rabbits) and work out advertising fees.
After knowing what I know, and after seeing theproof, and after you've broken the rules of the forum by advertisingover and over again your charges, tell me, why shouldn't I ban you??
Carolyn wrote:
After knowing what I know, and after seeing the proof, andafter you've broken the rules of the forum by advertising over and overagain your charges, tell me, why shouldn't I ban you??

Please feel free to ban me - but I did ask you about posting about myrabbits back on August 18th and I have your response to me aboutit. I can forward it if you wish because I told youat that time that if someone from the board contacted me about buyingrabbits - I would refer them to a breeder in their area and that theonly way I would be dealing with rabbits on this board was if I gavethem away for free so I could share lionheads with others.

You said not to worry about it and that you understood - no one ever got rich breeding rabbits.

Anyway - I don't want to disagree with you publicly. Iunderstand that you think I am cruel or something to rabbits.I'm sorry you feel that way. I won't be posting again -although I would like to still be allowed on the board to read and keepup with some friends.

Yes, I do think you're irresponsible and cruel to the charges in your care, TM.

You admit, although once to 22 does being bred by a buck with Wry Neck, to only 9 taking.

What a horrible catastophy. :sad:

Let's just say that (generously speaking) 3 rabbits survived each litter of the 9 that had taken.

That means that
and the other 17 victims that adopt one of those babies will eventuallyrun up against the ones they love thoe most having Wry Neck - afterall,it's in their genetics.

Thank you for your permission to ban you. We are about lessoning theheartache rather than promoting it, so I'll take you up on it.

This was a hard decision for me to make as I love Tiny so much, butafter learning, and seeing what is coming out of your barn, I have nochoice. I have to protect our members and this forum from irresponsiblebreeders.

I do so hope you Stop the Maddness.


I apologize for how fast I reacted on the buttons last night.

It infuriates me what is happening with your rabbits and how you justkeep adding more to the mix. I did tell you to go ahead, at one point,and put a rabbit on the board if you wanted to sell it. At the time youhad a litter. I didn't realize that it was going to keep going on andon, nor did I realize how sick and genetically unhealthy the babieswere.

I just wish you'd stop. You're causing a lot of pain to the rabbits and the people who adopt them.

Thank you for un-banning me Carolyn.Just to clarify one thing quickly....I have talked to Pam Nock toclarify about if my babies will carry wry neck and they shouldnot. He did not have it genetically - it was stressed inducedand he is one treatment away from probably being fully cured.

Now back to French lops for a minute....I can't get over how a rabbitthis large can have so much energy. Tiny has met Beatrice(aka Scar) and they have nuzzled noses through the gate. WhenI let her out of her cage she will run around like a puppy and do LOTSof binkies, etc. Tiny just looks at her and then looks backat me as if to say, "WHY does she doall that?".Then he will nuzzle me for a pet and go back and sleep.

Tiny likes to nuzzle her on his way through the rabbitry to gooutside. I let them have a couple of minutes together - but Ireally want to wait until she's spayed in January or February before Ilet them have much time together. I can tell she still hashormones as she is interested in mating and Tiny just looks at her like"You want WHAT?"

What was so funny though was to see him go outside and then watch hergo to the baby gate and watch him play (the door was open) and thenlook back at me with big mournful eyes like 'Can't I go run and playout there with him?" I didn't have the time to monitor themso I told her she had to wait.

I guess I am just amazed at the energy difference between Beatrice andTiny. They both seem so fascinated with each other - and Tinyreally does seem happier to have someone his own size. I canhardly wait until she's spayed and I can work on letting thembond. The worst case scenario is that she will be therabbitry rabbit and he will be the house rabbit.

Anyway - I was hoping to find out who else had french lops so I couldgo read their posts and see what having a french lop is like (besidesbeing a hoot). Beatrice will run and run and binky herselfright into the door - and then sit up - shake her head - and start allover again. Tiny? If he binkies (ha) - and binkiesinto something - he lays down and naps. BIG BIG difference.

I will check out those who have french lops and follow your posts so I can learn more about them.


P.S. I won't be posting about any more babies needing homes.I only posted about the ones that were really unique andspecial. But thanks for caring and sharing yourconcern! I do appreciate it. :)

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