I have not been on really this last week dealing with the loss of our best friend. Funeral was yesterday and things are winding down now. Now on to Frags and the Muppster So Fraggles is no longer stressed about her new little sister. Actually it seems she rather likes her and we hold Muppet so she can groom and kiss her. Fraggles likes to groom and chin Muppet. We hold Muppet for her so she can snuggle. She also likes to touch noses with Muppet when they are caged.......However to Fraggles dismay Miss.Muppet does not share these affections at all. She tries to box her threw the bars,thumps at Fraggles and even spreads poops around Fraggles cage. Something poor Frags does NOT do to Muppet. We have decided to put Muppet in the other room until after her spay. Fraggles surgery is Wendsday. The last straw was Muppet flung pee in Fraggles face and the pee stained Frags hid behind Jason
Poor bullied Fraggles
Poor bullied Fraggles