Four Year Old Breaks Into Store

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I think taking the child away from the parents is a little extreme. The store was across the street. Yes, it was 3 am, but there have been nights that I've forgotten to lock my front door and I'm sure my child could've walked out if they were up. Most children aren't in cribs by 3 years old, and even if they are, they can climb out. It's not like the kid broke a window...someone left a door unlocked!

It's scary that they didn't notice their child was gone, but not unreasonable that they'd be asleep at that hour and not know he was slipping out.


Oh wow! :shock:His parents should of kept a better watch on him, and get better locks that a 4 year old can't unlock! They should get locks that are out of his reach or something. Even though it was late, they should be aware of things like that.

I thought it was cute that when the offiers came, he was showing them toys.. Hehe, what a sweety.

But he shouldn't be busting into stores and all. Hopefully the triedto talk to him aboutnot doing that anymore. And I don't think theyshould of taken away from his parents.. That's a little crazy.

I agree with elf mommy, I remember when I was little I'd often go unlock the door and go play on the lawn in the very early hours of the morning, If I'd lived across from a store that I liked, I most probably would of entered it as would many children as the door was unlocked. So I definatly don't think he should of been taking away from his parents, being taken away from parents at a young age would cause him great upset i'd think...
That happened in the town about 20 minutes away from my house... I don't know all the circumstances so I don't know if their is more to the story of why they took him away from the family... He didn't break into the store someone left the door unlocked... he set off the silent alarm when he opened the door and that was how the police found him...But I better someone at the store lost their job for leaving the door unlocked.

My daughter used to get out of the house when she was that age and go visit my cousin and his wife next door while we thought she was in her room playing... we had special locks on the doors and windows... we finally figured out she had her bike with training wheels parked under the bathroom window so she could drop down onto it to get out... she is really creative

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