found dead kit

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Jul 10, 2005
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[line] i woke up this morning and found a deadkit in my rabbit cage, and some pile of fur. the weird thing is, theprevious owner told me both of them are females, so i dont expect andpregnancy. one of it is white and the other is black nd. most of thepull out fur is white. so this morning, i saw my white rabbit mount ontop of my black rabbit the hips gyrating, but it is no where near theblack rabbit's groin. as it were doing that, it rip off some fur fromthe back of the blac krabbit from various spots. it seems to have eatenthe bunch of fur, since it proceeds to the food bowl and munch on itspellet after. will i expect more kits? or is the white rabbit a male?im a little confused. could that explain why the rabbit did not pee inone specific place before?
Since most of the fur is from the white rabbit,I'd suspect that the white one is the female. Does (females)are very receptive to mating immediately after giving birth -- so mayexplain why she would be mounting the other rabbit. I wouldsuspect they have already mated again and you would be expectinganother litter in 31 days. I would certainly separate themuntil the male is neutered.


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