Found a wild bunny any advise?

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Apr 19, 2005
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I just found a wild bunny in my driveway. I don'tlive in the country, I live in a new neighborhood with alort ofconstruction. Any advise, should I keep him and feed him until he isold enough to fend for himself or should I let him go?
If he looks like he's big enough to sort of getaround on his own, eyes open, eating grass, etc... Let him go. He wasprobably just out for a stroll. Rabbits can live quite happily in urbanareas. If he looks very very young I would suggest calling your localwildlife rescue center or humane society to get in contact with a wildanimal rehabilitator.
Thanks for the advise, I let him go and he hopped off, hopefully he'll find his way back home.