found a rabbit

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Jul 4, 2007
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On July 1st my sister was out jogging and found a rabbit, bunny, we're not sure. We really don't know anything about them. We have it here, but are not certain what to do with it. Anyone missing one? I posted on craigslist, and a lot of people seem to think it was released into the wild. The rabbit is tame and litter trained.
Welcome to the forum!

Oh wow. Sounds like some irresponsible owner just let it go.:( Unfortunately, it happens.

Do you plan on keeping it? Do you have a picture you can post?
sounds like a dumpped Bunny to me :Xwhy do people do that?

Do you plan on keping it? If not where are you located (In NJ?) I am sure some one on the forum would be more then happy to foster it till we find a new forever home.
Hi there and welcome!

Would you mind posting your location in your profile so we know generally where you are located? Go to My Account-Profile. Thanks!

Unfortunately a lot of bunnies are "set free" when their owners no longer want them. Its really horrible because most of them wont survive more than a few days (or weeks if theyre lucky) on their own. They just dont have any survival skills or wild instincts. Its more than likely that this bunny was set loose by its owner. He is sooo lucky you found him. Bless you for taking him in and keeping him safe for now.

Any chance you might consider keeping him? Rabbits are so much fun (as you can see by the number of rabbit lovers here). We'd be more than happy to help you learn all about rabbit care if you choose to keep him.

Again, thanks so much for taking him in for now. Let us know what we can do to help.
You should also consider that it coule be a lost bunny. (I don't think anyone mentioned this.) While, sadly, it is more likely that it was "set free," there is always that possibility that it is lost. If you don't want to keep it you can take it to a shelter or rescue. In the meantime, keep on the lookout ofr lost bunny flyers. If you do want to keep it, I'm sure you'll find all the info you need right here.
Hi Copper, are you in BC?

First off, what are you feeding the bunny? Sudden diet changes can be hazardous.If he/she was outside, it's a good bet s/he was eating dried and some grass, so if you can get your hands on some timothy hay. that will be pretty close. Hay is a bunny diet staple.

Bunnies thatare used tovegetables won't have a problem with them,esp. leafy greens like carrot tops, parsely, etc, but if s/he isn't used to them, they have to be introduced slowly. Again, if the bunny was outside for any length of time, s/he should be good with greens.

You need a good quality bunny pellet, which unfortunately aren't easy to find. Pet stores often carry weird kinds with colored bits that are high in sugar and carbs and can also upset their systems (as well as make them obsese).

If you notice mushy poops, that's probably a diet thing. You can monitor a bunny's health by keeping an eye on their appetites, and espeically their poops -- if they're poops get loose or start getting smaller and/or stop, you have a sick bunny. (Start feeding him/her canned pumpkin and make sure s/he drinks. (Pedialyte is good).

How's the bunny so far?


PS: Sorry I didn't see this earlier!

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