For those who have Dental Insurance!

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Can you tell me who you have dental insurancethrough if it is NOT through your job? And, if possible, gimme a linkto their website?

I found a couple dental insurances online, and some PPO plans. Tryingto pick one with little to no waiting period, since my tooth and headare giving me a load of trouble and pain again. Here's the site I'vebeen looking at:

(Just type in your zip code and e-mail, and it'll bring you to a pagewith all the providers and prices). I'm in 70732, and it bought upquite a few.

$13 a month is really good, but I wonder if theywill cover your dental expenses like you want. That wasthecost of thelower tier of dental insurancethrough my ex-employer andit did not cover any work on wisdomteeth. I'm paying $26 a month for my COBRA continuing dentalinsurance from my last job. You better read the fine print and makesure it covers what you need to have done, and if there is adeductible. I am paying for the higher level insurance, but it is worthit.

I have payed for 3 months worth of insurance and I have claimed (I just rounded up the costs):

Jan - Wisdom Tooth Extraction (all 4 were boney impactions)$2000 they payed $800

Feb - Root Canal $800 they payed $750 (Broke a front tooth :()

March - Tooth rebuild $200 they payed $150

So I'm really coming out ahead. I would say pay more now because youare only going to keep it for a short amount of time, and they will bemore likely to cover more of the cost. So go for the most expensiveplan.

Oh and keep the insurance for a few months afterward, widsom teeth can cause troubles during healing sometimes.

Good luck.

This is my insurance agency, it looks like theydo offer individual coverage (but I may be reading it wrong I have aheadache now). If they do, I highly reccomend them. They pay promptlyand they haven't given me any of the normal problems I have withinsurance companies.
Krissa, thank you SO MUCH! I completely forgotthat my parents had them years ago through my dad's job. They do offerindividual coverage and seem to have great benefits. I'll be givingthem a call tomorrow, and most likely signing up, Thanks again!!

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