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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
scottsville, Kentucky, USA
why are my spearimint AND peppermint dying?

when i first brought them home and planted them they were thriving! now they are getting brown and drying up and just not even growing anymore! i water them generously daily, they get plenty of sun, and i use rabbit poo as fertilizer. i have them setting in my window sill. i dont know why they are starting to die. i think i will put them in a diffrent container so they have more room... altough it doesnt appear that they are too big for there container.

i can take pictures if i need to
i will be phoning my father- in law probably within the next couple of days who does gardening he used to show leeks

i will probably pm you if thats ok

varna xxxx
Hi, maybe they are getting too much sun, I assume it's pretty hot where you live.

I have dill growing in my garden and some of its going brown, probably because of the sun.

I am by far no plant expert but I think that you may be watering them too much. I know I have killed my fair share of plants by overwatering them. The roots need to dry out some, this is the way they get their oxygen. Try holding off on the watering "generously every daily" and maybe try every 3 days or maybe every 4 days. How much sun do they get? Full day of sun or partial day of sun?

I'm not sure, but I know mint loves water. I water mine every day, sometimes two times a day. Maybe try putting it in partial sun? Full sun might be too much for it.

yeah i know mint loves water and needs lots of it. but my soil is actually staying pretty well muddy.

i am going to try partial sun and less water for a bit, i guess
I've been having issues growing herbs in containers. I'm cursed.

But my peppermint outside is growing like nuts! I think you may be overwatering it too, because I haven't watered mine since a few days after it was planted over a month ago. One of the plants is chocolate peppermint, and it tastes so good!
Mmm. I'd love to taste chocolate peppermint! I love putting mint in with earl gray tea with a bit of sugar.. very good :D.

You could also try putting it outside in a pot? I know mint spreads very fast so I would put it in a pot.
That's what we did. We planted the mint in large plastic pots (the ones our new trees came in) and planted the pots in an edged garden area. The stems can still root out of the pot, but those can be eaten.:D It keeps the underground roots from spreading.

Spring, one of the local greenhouses had a whole bunch of different types of peppermint- chocolate, orange, lemon, etc. We're letting the chocolate spread a bit so we can dry it for mint tea. Tasty and calms the stomach.
Ah ha! I know the problem. The pot is the problem. If it doesn't have any holes to drain it, the excess water just stays in the soil and can rot the roots (I think). If you repot it to a pot with some holes in it, it'll take care of the problem.

I saw this mint, or some other kind of herb, but it was pineapple flavoured! I think it was mint..

When I make tea, I boil the water, put the tea bag in (I don't want to use lots of leaves.. it is for the buns, so I put a teabag in because it's too weak otherwise) and let is steep, then add fresh leaves and sugar and leave the mint in while drinking the tea. It's good :). I love herb teas.. :D
The pot may be too small, maybe? Mint like to spread, has it overgrown it's pot?

We used to have lots of regular peppermint. Regular peppermint is the general mint taste. We have grown chocolate mint, which doesn't taste like chocolate, but has a very strong mint flavour! Orange mint has a bit calmer mint taste than chocolate, and apple mint is rather bland.

Those are the kinds I've grown and my opinions!

I was wondering about the pots, because the seeds I planted a while back have now grown to be too big for their little pots and are starting to look wilty. I need to replant them!
I recently planted some mint in the garden in my little herb section, my mum told me to plant it in the pot because it speads so much, it has grown a lot but seems to be contained so far.

Is your mint plant from the garden centre? My garden centre herbs are flourishing but I couldn't find a basil or corriander plant in the GC so I bought plants from the supermarket to see if the survived, They lasted about 2 days before they turned into mush and dissapeared, My mum (The garden fairy in my life) said that it's probaby because they have been force grown and so aren't adapted to living outside.

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