The other day I picked up a box of the NIC grids to make the bun a nice big cage. I changed the style around quite a bit.. At first I just made a 3 x 2 with 2 levels, then I changed it to a 3 x 3 with 2 levels but thought better of it and went back to the 3 x 2 with 2 levels. :foreheadsmack: Thinking of maybe adding another level since I have so many cubes left over.
What do you use for the bottom of your cage? We went looking for the coroplast plastic for the bottom but could not find large enough sheets anywhere, so right now I'm just using a couple layers of fleece on top of the hardwood. Thankfully, he's doing great with litter box training.
I was thinking of ordering large foam puzzle pieces for the bottom though. Line that with fleece or something.
Anyways, I have been looking for NIC grid cage ideas online and have found a few neat pictures on google, but I want to see the cages you've created! So share them with me, here.
I'll try to snag a picture of Willow's cage tonight to share as well.
What do you use for the bottom of your cage? We went looking for the coroplast plastic for the bottom but could not find large enough sheets anywhere, so right now I'm just using a couple layers of fleece on top of the hardwood. Thankfully, he's doing great with litter box training.
I was thinking of ordering large foam puzzle pieces for the bottom though. Line that with fleece or something.
Anyways, I have been looking for NIC grid cage ideas online and have found a few neat pictures on google, but I want to see the cages you've created! So share them with me, here.
I'll try to snag a picture of Willow's cage tonight to share as well.