Well-Known Member
As some of you know I homeschool all 3 of my sons. Well in May my oldest "Graduated". With times the way they are he was unable to find a job over the summer so nothing seemed really different. Now he got a job and started his apprenticeship. Right now he's a computer technician assistant working to challenge his A++ cert test. And he came home from work today as he does on his work days and started telling me all about what he did and learned. And I realized as I stood and watched him that my first baby is a grown up. I still look at him and see the little baby I brought home and who took years off my life by getting stuck under furniture, hiding in a closet, getting stitches and generally giving me gray hair with his antics. But he's all grown up. It was just a really weird experience. I just had to post this cause I know there are other parents out there that can identify with it and thought it was kind of neat to realize even if it is WAY scary to even think about the fact that in 3 years all of my babies will be adults.