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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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, , USA
how does everyone keep there rabbits? like do you keep them all inside or all outside or a mix of both?

i keep ours all inside the house but they do go outside in a small runfor play time outdoors. still working on our newest additionas he tries to climb the outside run to get out :shock:

I only have two bunnies, and they're bonded.They have a large cage in my room, as well as an excercise pen outside(for nice weather). I do try to let them have some running time eachday.
When Athena was with us both her and Apollo were house bunns.

Apollo is an inside boy as will be Christa and Hopi. Apollowill have run of the front of te house and the girls get the run of theback of the house and enclosed back porch.

Apollo gets to run outside on his harness and I'll be workingwith Christa and Hopi on their harnesses and leashes.

whats the easiest way to learn them to use a leash and harness?

i got one from the pet store but i wanna go about trying it out correctly as to not freak my bunny out lol
We have three rabbits who all share a cage, andall are happily bonded. Right now, they're strictly indoor rabbits, butas soon as we live in a place with a yard, we plan on building a runfor them. They're not trained on a harness and the one time I tried it,it didn't go over very well.
All my buns are house rabbits. Theydon't get to go outside here, but Abby is good with a harness,apparently. I want to work with the others on harnesses, butI haven't had time todo it yet.

Mine live in my garage which is pretty warm andthey have their own heater. I bring them inside for a few hrsor out (weather permitting) in a pen.
My bunny is a homebody! It's way too hot here now to let her run around outside!
All mine are inside...I had no trouble with theharness...basically put it on em and off we went.....the 2 young onestook to it with no problem...the older gal I haven't used it on much,but she's done ok when I did. I have the one that looks likea lil vest made out of mesh.
My three are in the house (in their cages whileI'm at work). They get separate out-of-cage time when I'm home. Whenit's nice out I take their cages outside and give them each runtime inthe playpen I set up in the yard.:run:

Keepin' those bunny butts in shape!
Mine are house bunnies, on really nice days whenI don't have to be in college or at work I'll supervise them outsidefor a while, but I prefer the inside buns. :)
My buns are a mix of inside and out... One ofthem is inside all the time and let out in my room alot.. The other 2have a huge cage outside that they share.

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