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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2004
Reaction score
, Georgia, USA
Hi. Did I understand correctly that you have Californians? :D

If so, that would be GREAT!!! I was hoping that someone elsewith Californians would come to the board as I think that my Sherman isthe only one here.

Can't wait to see the pics. :cool:
I do have Californians...7 of them now.I started off with Jenna and Lexi (who is now Lex) as pets.The 5 new ones are "my son's" for his 4 H project. So let'ssee...I have 4 does and 3 bucks. Jenna is 6 mos, Lex is 6mos, the other 3 does are 5 mos, the other bucks are 2 yearsold. Justin has named the other Cals, but hasn't let me knowwho is who yet. Seeing as I really can't tell them apart theyare named for which cage they are in!!! There are pics ofJenna and Lex floating around here somewhere!!!!

I'm afraid Jenna and Lex are not very personable. ActuallyJenna is psycho. I separated her and Lex in August because Ifigured they'd be getting to that age and would be fighting....well shedidn't like it one bit and has not forgiven me, but now that I havefound out the Lexi is actually male (we had a prego scare for a while)I can't put them back together. They are right next to eachother though. I'm working on her...

Here is a pic of the new rabbits and newbarn/shed...The does are on the right and the bucks are bottomleft...tell me they don't look like crochety old men!!!:D
I didn't even knowSherman was a special breed of bunny! I thought the way he looked washis color, like Lissa's bunny....:shock:....I feel so silly! I'm gladyou found more like him!
Dmmcnair, thanks so much for posting thesephotos! These are beautiful bunnies. I'll be sureto show them to Sherman. ;)

Raspberry, don't feel silly at all. Sherman is a Californian,but his markings are termed Himalayan (from a breed of bunny that isincluded in the Californian bloodline). The Himalayanmarkings can also be found on other breeds of bunny besidesCalifornian, so you may see other bunnies who look like Shermanbut are of another breed.

We're all learning about the bunny world together. :)
Dmmcnair, don't Californians have the loveliest ears? I just love playing with Sherman's ears! :)
She appreciates the compliment =)

Guin isnt a californian. I dont really know WHAT breed sheis... the pet store said mini rex, but her fur is definitely notRex. But I still love her =)

Yes, I can tell because of her body shape thatshe isn't a Californian. Her markings, though, are distinctlyHimalayan.

Did you ask Dr. Pam if she knew what breed she was? She can usually call it right on the nose. :)
Thats a good idea ;) Maybe I will take some 'pose' pictures of my two brats and see if we can Guess the Bunny Breed =)

Tho I must say... I LOVE hercolored tail =D
Yes, I love the tail too! Himalayanmarkings are just so beautiful. I really adore the ears andthe nose.
Well. when I got Ella (she's in theavatar) I got a bunny book to learn more and I found a picture of aHimilayan...well I fell in love with the markings. I told aneighboy that I wanted to get another bunny for my son (Ella wassupposed to be his, but I fell in love with her :D) So she found outabout someone selling bunnies...they turned out to be Californians withthe same markings....what luck!!! I still love the markings even thoughall of my Californians are faded due to the heat...they should blackenback up during winter.

I love their ears!!! But none tolerate my petting them. Allof my Californians come from meat pen stock. They are notraised for pets, all the ones I own were raised for breeding purposesfor showing 4H. They've never been cuddled and loved frombirth. I plan on changing that with the kits we will have forour 4H project. It not only makes it easier on my son tohandle them, but for me as well. So for now my Cals don'tlove me :(but their babies will. They will behandled with loving care...this will also help when I need to cull anyrabbits that will be pets.

Jenna and Lex were culls from a breeder that had no need for what theyhad to offer, and they had pretty much spent their whole life in therabbit barn with minimal contact with human hands. So...I dowhat I can to get them used to me and human contact...I really don'tthink much will change, but hopefully they will come around again tocoming up to the door for a few strokes. Only one of the newdoes comes up to the door whenever I check on them. She gaveme little kisses on my nose, she is the youngest doe I have, so shemight be one that will appreciate TLC soon. I've only had thenew buns a few days, so I am letting them get used to everything fornow. Probably next week I will be messing with them more,brushing and trimming nails.

I had to fix their cage bottom today...well while they were in thecarrying case one of the bucks decided to urinate on one ofthem!!! Poor thing got it in the face!:shock:

Sorry this was so long...

Dawn, not long at all! ... :)

I'm so sorry that your bunnies are not socialized. I get suchjoy from playing with Sherman and experiencing his receiptofmy affection. Californians can be so loving (whenthey want to be ... ;)).

I can't wait for your kits to get here so that you can experience the same.

Keep us updated! I'm so happy to have another Californian mommy here! :D
BunnyMommy wrote:
...Sherman is a Californian, but his markings are termedHimalayan (from a breed of bunny that is included in the Californianbloodline)....We're all learning about the bunny worldtogether. :)
Ya got that right! For some reason or another, Ithought Sherman was a giant. Go figure! He gets inall that trouble, and he's a "normal" sized rabbit!

bunsforlife wrote:
Thats a good idea ;) Maybe I will take some 'pose' picturesof my two brats and see if we can Guess the Bunny Breed =)

We'd certainly have fun making some guesses :)

BunnyMommy wrote:
...Sherman is a Californian, but his markings are termedHimalayan (from a breed of bunny that is included in the Californianbloodline)....We're all learning about the bunny worldtogether. :)
Ya got that right! For some reason or another, I thought Shermanwas a giant. Go figure! He gets in all that trouble, and he's a"normal" sized rabbit! Buck

As I learn about my rabbits so will everyoneelse, this is the only place I can air my bunny angst and not get oneof those know the looks I'm sure.

And I can't wait for the babies to get here. The does will bebred November 21st. That is 100 days from the show.They will be here right before Christmas!!! What a greatChristmas present!!! It is just way too long untilChristmas..

Hopefully this will get the "lets have another baby"demon togo away!!! I alreadyhave4 don't need anymore children...The demon has come to visitbecause all my friends are pregnant!!! ARGH! Makeit goaway!!!PLEASE!!!

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