All these monster's have acheived is to make thebond between us country's who believe in freedom and the right to liveour live's as we wish in peace 'stronger and that bond will not bebroken'and they will not win'with their barbaricact's.:England::USAflagwaving::nonono: May god blessAmerica'Great Britain and any other country that's been affected by thebarbaric and mindless act's of the these low life'bloodhungry'maggot's'and may they be commended back to hell were they belong.
ray:Heres to all those who lostloved ones in the horibble events that took place in London.As always those affected are in our thoughts and prayers for those whohave lost loved ones or loved ones injured.
Thank you all. Nobody who I know was affected by this. But for mosthere we are scared to death. They sure have done what they set out todo and terrorised. I bet a lot of us will be scared to go on publictransport again. I know I will with my girls and I wont rest until myfamily are safe at home after work.
Its times like these when there is a feeling of one within this country and America.