Foody Birthing HELP!!!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
Reaction score
Palm Springs, California, USA
So, I have a year old Fuzzy Lop Female. She is adorable and really sweet. She was accidentally let out with a male during the evening! This would have been her first litter too. The Male, was Ace, a Mini Rex male. She was due December 22nd. She is still building in her nest box and we feel one baby in her. I am worried because she is like 2 weeks after due date. I need help!
Hey, I'd get a mod to move this to the rabbitry, you'll get more help there. Are you sure you got the dates right? Maybe have another look at the calender to make sure, I've only ever heard of something like this once before, where the babies were two weeks overdue because the babies has died in the mother and she just didn't go into labour, until two weeks later. Maybe a more experienced breeder will be able to help you more though.
I don't know really what to say.

Have you had experience with babies before?

Has she had all of the babies yet? Are they in a nest, warm and alive?

Are there any dead ones?

Please keep us updated so we can help you.
If there is a baby in her...SHE NEEDS TO SEE A VET!!!!Are you sure about the due date? Gestation is 28-32 days on average. You are already talking that she is 15 days past. If she doesn't get to a vet, she could die. Her baby may not be alive anymore and will become toxic to her.

Please keep us posted. I hope that the due date is wrong.

BSAR wrote:
I don't know really what to say.

Have you had experience with babies before?

Has she had all of the babies yet? Are they in a nest, warm and alive?

Are there any dead ones?

Please keep us updated so we can help you.
No sure you are understanding...

Yes, I breed rabbits and have a lot of experience.

She had not had ANY babies yet, she is building/ built a nest though

No babies born yet

I hope to get her to a vet within 2 days... if not sooner.
Skybunny11 wrote:
BSAR wrote:
I don't know really what to say.

Have you had experience with babies before?

Has she had all of the babies yet? Are they in a nest, warm and alive?

Are there any dead ones?

Please keep us updated so we can help you.
No sure you are understanding...
I am understsanding.

Yes, I breed rabbits and have a lot of experience.
Ok I didn't know that.
She had not had ANY babies yet, she is building/ built a nest though
Ok, but from the topic it said she was birthing, that means having them!!
No babies born yet

I hope to get her to a vet within 2 days... if not sooner.
You really should try for sooner if possible.
My answers are in bold Skybunny.
Just wondered what happened and if you took Starlight Rabbitries excellent advice and got her to a vet?
BSAR wrote:
Skybunny11 wrote:
BSAR wrote:
I don't know really what to say.

Have you had experience with babies before?

Has she had all of the babies yet? Are they in a nest, warm and alive?

Are there any dead ones?

Please keep us updated so we can help you.
No sure you are understanding...
I am understsanding.

Yes, I breed rabbits and have a lot of experience.
Ok I didn't know that.
She had not had ANY babies yet, she is building/ built a nest though
Ok, but from the topic it said she was birthing, that means having them!!
No babies born yet

I hope to get her to a vet within 2 days... if not sooner.
You really should try for sooner if possible.
My answers are in bold Skybunny.

What SkyBunny meant was that she hasn't birthed them yet ;) That's why the title says help ;)

Irishbunnies is right. If a baby is not born, it can stay in the mom and it's not very good for the mom. If you're sure she's 2 weeks late, she does need to go to the vet.
You really need to get an expert opinionif your doe is pregnant or not. How old is she?

If there is a baby in there, and she is 2 weeks overdue, the baby would be dead and could cause a major infection... or it could mummify and impede any future litters (make her sterile). If you are not palpating her correctly, you could be feeling a fecal pellet or something else.

If she isn't pregnant, she could be having a false pregnancy and pulling fur for nothing.
I'm so glad she is ok :D I have thought about her a lot and been desperate for an update. I'm sorry about your babies, but I'm very glad she is ok :)
Skybunny11 wrote:
She had two, them killed them, or she had them dead and she bite and ripped them up. I don't know but as long as Foody is okay.

If she was that overdue, I expect that they were born dead and she tried to eat them. It's their instinct to "get rid of" anything that might attract predators. (To her or to any babies that might have been alive.)

I'm so sorry this pregnancy didn't go well. But you are right, I'm glad Foody is OK. Is she acting normal? Eatting and drinking?

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