Food quantity for 7 week old bun

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2015
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Hey my baby is 7 weeks tomorrow and I was wondering on how much food she was to be given a day? As she has putting some weight on and don't want her to get unhealthy..

Also there are black sunflower seeds mixed through her pellet mix given to me by the breeder when I got her, is this ok for her???

Give me some feedback please :bunnyheart
Pellet mix with seeds is a sign of a bad pellet brand. Feed her what you've got for now, but gradually transition her on to a plain alfalfa-based pellet brand, such as Oxbow, Burgess, Manna Pro or Sherwood Forest.

She should get unlimited pellets and fresh hay (but limit her pellets if she eats more pellets than hay, hay should be 60-70% of her diet) until she is 6 months old.
Ok thanks for that!!

I will look at another brand for when this lot runs out.. I have her bedding as oaten hay and occasionally give her a little bit of lucurne hay. What other hay is good for her to eat??

P.S she loves her grass!!!

Is there anything else mixed with her pellets besides the sunflower seeds? If not, it's possible the breeder just adds them herself. At any rate, I wouldn't give them to a youngster, as they can be fattening. I'd remove those and just give her the plain pellets. That may be all you need to keep her weight in check.
There are pellet, sunflower seeds and oats too... should I remove the seeds or just leave them??
Personally, I just give the plain pellet and then provide hay. At her age, you can provide alfalfa, too, either as an alfalfa based pellet or as hay, mixed with the grass you give her.
Everything that's been said has been great, black oil sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and safflower seeds are O.K. to give as an occasional treat. Rabbits are efficient at digesting oils and as a very occasional treat can help make a coat nice and shiny. Plain oats or plain rolled oats are just fine as a treat too.
I got her new pellets today and they are alfalfa hay based pellets, brand is oxbow. And I got Timothy hay cubes, How often can I give her these?
I also got her a plastic ball with a bell in it for her to play with, if she chews it, is that bad for her?

Thanks :)
She is also getting hay too, right? The hay cubes are just for fun and to keep her occupied. It is the long strands of hay that she needs for a healthy gut.
Hard plastic toys are fine, so long as she doesn't ingest any of it.
Yes she has unlimited amounts of oaten hay and gets some lucerne hay as well but not too much because I've heard it can give her diorrear ??
Her bedding in her hutch is oaten hay but I give her fresh stuff as well for her to eat...

Can I offer her a mineral stone for her to chew on or what wood is safe for her to chew on? So her teeth don't grow too much. She is starting to chew on things so I was wondering what I could give her?
Since she's getting alfalfa in her new pellets you don't need to give her much lucerne. The pellets and hay should help keep her teeth down but you could look for some fruit branches for extra chewing material. Pet stores usually carry wood items for rabbits to chew on.
Apple and willow tree branches are safe for bunnies, though you have to be sure they're free from pesticides so they don't get sick. Otherwise you can buy some pine dowel or a short length of pine from a hardware store and tie it with cable ties to the inside of the cage for your bunny to chew on.

Oaten hay is usually quite course so will wear the teeth down well, just make sure she's not getting too many of the seed heads as they can be fattening and can get stuck in places. I feed meadow hay to bandit which often has sections with lots of oat seed heads so I just remove those before feeding.

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