food help required

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2004
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Hi. We have a dwarf lop and a rabbitwho's breed i'm not too sure of. Anyway hetti (the rabbitwho's breed I don't know) is a lot bigger than jack who is ourdwarf. I am only supposed to give a dwarf lop 25g of pelletsbut i think and suspect that hetti needs more and is therefore pinchingfrom jacks bowl. I am really not too sure what to do?
its a pets at home version of excel? it containsexactly the same ingredients and fibres? They also haveaccess to hay all through the day.
hi blackjack

i have lucy on the burgess excel

i was told to give her 2 handfuls of her food morning and night but only

to keep it in her cage for1 hour as it will make her to fatif kept in all the time and the vet also told me that she can have asmuch hay as she needs as its the hay thats the important one

hope this helps

varna xxxx

Hi we have a Himmie and we feed her 1/4 cup of pellets daily, she is just nudging the 3lb mark,

I usually get her pellets from a local pet store who caters forbunnies, pellets should ideally have a make up of 18% or more crudefibre, our Bindy has unlimited hay and I feed her pellets at nighttime, as you already know a constant supply of fresh water is a Must.

If you find your bun is snitching as you put it maybe check how muchfood they are actually eating , how old is your snitchy bun and wouldadding in some greens (if old enough) be an idea???
the bag i am feeding them from states that a lopshould be given 25g so i put in enough to just cover the bottom ofthere bowl. if hetti isnt a lop she may need more.

I was thinking of possibly just addinga bit more food and doing it that way?

I dont watch them eat but hetti is ravenous for food in the morning andeats alot of hay where as jackl sculks in behind her and dsnt seem toeat much hay.. he seems quite thin and small but she seems big but notfat?
Lops range in size from 4lbs and up to 15 or moredepending on the type of lop. Such as my Mini Lops, (not thesmallest type of lop) get um idk i think just about 1/3 of a cup, maybea little more or less depending on the individual. My FrenchLops, (largest lop breed) get almost double, a little less than theMini's. They also get an unlimited supply of timothyhay. I use blue seal 16% protien. All my buns areshow rabbits and I've been doing this since I was two, 14 years andI've always used Blue Seal 16%.