Well-Known Member
I know this question may be a bit ridiculous, but as someone who is new to rabbit ownership I want to know if this is ok . . .
My rabbit Oswald seems to enjoy sitting in/using his litter box while he eats. At one point I had his dish on the opposite side of the cage (near his water bottle) but he moved the dish next to the litter box. If I put his dish anywhere else, he moves it next to the litter box. Is this ok. Part of me thinks "Sure, why wouldn't it be?" but part of me worries about sanitation issues.
I'm sorry if I sound like a worry wort; it's just at times I feel like a new mother! Oswald is my first rabbit, and my first pet since moving out of my parents' house and I just want him to be happy and healthy.
Thank you,
My rabbit Oswald seems to enjoy sitting in/using his litter box while he eats. At one point I had his dish on the opposite side of the cage (near his water bottle) but he moved the dish next to the litter box. If I put his dish anywhere else, he moves it next to the litter box. Is this ok. Part of me thinks "Sure, why wouldn't it be?" but part of me worries about sanitation issues.
I'm sorry if I sound like a worry wort; it's just at times I feel like a new mother! Oswald is my first rabbit, and my first pet since moving out of my parents' house and I just want him to be happy and healthy.
Thank you,