Fonzie not eating his hay

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
After I moved Fonzie, my young flemishdownstairs and into his newer and bigger cage, he seems to be ignoringhis hay. I've also adjusted the amount of feed from portion controlled3/4 cup in the morning and 3/4 cup in the evening to unlimitedfeed(Blue Seal Show Hutch). He is eating a good amount of feed. He isalso nibbling on the straw mats on the botton of his cage, but isbasically ignoring his hay.His poops seem to still be normal.Any advice would be appreciated.
I wouldn't be overly concerned, Mambo.Cali doesn't like hay. GI Stasis isn't as big of a scare with Flemishas they are with the smaller breeds. If you're really concerned, youcan give him extra oats or some canned pumpkin, but generally speaking,the amount of crude fiber in pellets (18% or more) is plenty to providewhat they need. You're wise to keep an eye on his poops andother eating habits. Sometimes people remove some pellets sothat they will eat the hay. It's your call, but I wouldn'tworry.


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