Follow Your Instincts

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Just a reminder to Trust your Instincts.

There have been many a posts in here in which the person's instinctswere warning them that something wasn't right. Those instincts 98% ofthe time were right.

I always regret it when I don't trust my instincts.

Don't ever be afraid to ask or be afraid of posting too much; especially when your instincts are nagging at you.


Thanks, Buck. Will certainly take you up on that.

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Honestly, I was thinking more in terms of the care and communication of our rabbits.

Once we know what the basics are, our instincts will guide us from there.

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I'm not worried about trolls here. Between yourself and the others, they stand little chance in this forum.


No worries about that here.

That is good advice on all things not just dealingwith rabbits. All things are not right or feel right to everyone. Iwatch my buns constantly and can sense in a minute if something is notright. Everyone has this ability if we call on it and use it
Ahh, yes, I misunderstood, and you're quiteright. Those tiny, tiny things, events,differences andcircumstances that you may note at one time or another often prove tobe immensely significant in your bunny's health at some later date.

Most often I have had such "signals" from my buns prior to theirgetting ill. Some I recognized and was able to provide timelytreatment. Others, I "missed" unfortunately, with detrimentalresults.

Got to stay on your toes with buns, because they "mask" illness and pain very well, being a prey species.

*Bump* for Brimmhere



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