I love rats! I got one at Petco, but she didn'teven last a year, sadly. Her death, unfortunately, was due tomismedication by a vet who had no idea what he was doing, and I didn'tthink to question him. Now I know better! Then I adopted 4 lovely girlsfrom Kim's Ark, and I loved them all so much! The last one just diedthis year. The sad thing about rats is that they're such amazingcreatures -- friendly, smart, loving, the works! -- but they last sucha short time and they always die in horrible ways. My last four alldied of huge cancerous tumors.
I don't think I'll get another rat,at least not for a long time, because I can't stand that short lifespan. With my four girls, I always felt like I was constantly dreadingtheir death, even when they were healthy. Plus, I developed a badallergy to something about them -- we could never quite pin it down,but I think it was either the dusty bedding, the urine, or acombination.
But now I have a bunny! Yay!
I had to take him/her to the vet todaybecause he had bad diarrhea. He was already getting better when Icalled up, but better safe than sorry. The vet said he's all clear andthat if the diarrhea continues I should bring in a stool sample tocheck for parasites. Anyway, the point of the story is that I had topick a name for him! So I decided to go with Figgs after a characterfrom a Redwall book (although it was an otter, not a hare). I asked thevet to check the sex, and she took Figgs to the exotic animalspecialist for a once over, and she came back saying that Figgs issimply too young to tell! That makes me think Figgs might have beenseparated from mommy too early, although he is a good size.
Thanks for the incredibly warm welcome! All the animal forums I've evervisited are usually just as warm and cheery. It must be something aboutanimal lovers!
It's nice to be here. I'm sure I'll learn a ton, andask even more questions. Thanks!!!!!! I'll post a picture when Figgs isa little more settled in.