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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Montana, USA
I recently bought a big cardboard tube at Petcofor my new bunny (yay I got a bunny! hehe :)). Anyway, it also camewith this fluff inside, sort of like cotton or fleece. Should I give itto my rabbit? I'm concerned about him choking on it or getting it stuckin his stomach.

I never seen anything like that. Was the productaimed for a rabbit? Just wondering. Sometimes i put timothy hay in atoliet paper roll.


Warmest Welcome NightPoet00, :)

And Congratulations on your new baby!
Absolutely not should you give it to your bunny. Trust your instincts,you're 100% right. Their intestinal systems are small and sensitive andit doesn't take much to block them. Since they can't cough up ablockage of fur and can only pass it, you have to be very careful theitems they ingest. Something synthetic doesn't break down and there'smany times there's nothing that can be done, short of an operation -which their survival is questionable - to clear the blockage.

One of our member's was extremely lucky that her rabbit didn't dieafter he ingested a good portion of a flip flop. Fortunately, it seemedthat the rabbit chewed it up so fine that he did pass it, but thatrabbit lucked out - Big Time. You have to be very careful witheverything they have access to nibbling on.

Very smart of you to question it.

What's your baby's name?? What breed is the little one?

Thanks for the great advice! I used to havewonderful pet rats, and I always saw those tubes with fluff in thepetstore and was extremely skeptical! My rabbit does not have a nameyet -- I always take a little while trying to pin one down. Also, I'mnot really sure what breed he is. Are there any general main breeds?He's really cute though -- white with brown and gray flecks over hisback, ears, and face. We haven't really bonded much, but he hasexplored the area around his cage quite extensively! He's a littleskittish right now, but I know we can work past this.

Beth :D

Greetings NightPoet00,

We've got a few members that have had some pet rats. A dear friend ofmine who is a wildlife biologist says they are extremely smart andwonderful as pets. I'll stick to my rabbits, but I never knew that ratscould make such good pets. :)

Your little one will come around in no time with the kind of love and home you're providing.

Pamnock, a member here who is and ARBA (American Rabbit BreedersAssociation) Judge can definitely help you identify what breed yourrabbit is. If you're able to post a picture, she'll answer. It's hardto tell without a picture.

So glad you found us. Do let us know when you find a name for the baby.


Welcome aboard !

Youve come to a great forum for questions and answers the rabbit gurus I believe is what they have been refered to as.

Not to mention the other things that happen on the forum just built from trust here the people are truely wonderful.

Now I too used to have pet rats. They are WONDERFUL pets andI cant stress enough how wonderful they are. They are cleanand they are just as much trainable to not go outside the "caged"area. My rat Necromancer had free run of the house and alsowent out shopping with me he never did his deed on me nor did he aroundthe house he always went in his cage. He was like a mini dogyou call his name and he come running get on his hind legs look at uand climb to the top.

He was so smart and had such a wonderful personality I used to make himmini pancakes in the morning when we had pancakes heheh. Thatis how I come across my bunny I went to the store ISO a rat and comehome with a bunny they dint have any rats at that store.

Rats life span is very very short so it took me a long time to getenough courage to go to the store to get another one and found Stitchinstead. I dont regret a moment of it tho I love Stitch and she's awonderful bunny.

Anyway I went on a rant LOL Great to meet you and welcome aboard!

I love rats! I got one at Petco, but she didn'teven last a year, sadly. Her death, unfortunately, was due tomismedication by a vet who had no idea what he was doing, and I didn'tthink to question him. Now I know better! Then I adopted 4 lovely girlsfrom Kim's Ark, and I loved them all so much! The last one just diedthis year. The sad thing about rats is that they're such amazingcreatures -- friendly, smart, loving, the works! -- but they last sucha short time and they always die in horrible ways. My last four alldied of huge cancerous tumors. :( I don't think I'll get another rat,at least not for a long time, because I can't stand that short lifespan. With my four girls, I always felt like I was constantly dreadingtheir death, even when they were healthy. Plus, I developed a badallergy to something about them -- we could never quite pin it down,but I think it was either the dusty bedding, the urine, or acombination.

But now I have a bunny! Yay! :D I had to take him/her to the vet todaybecause he had bad diarrhea. He was already getting better when Icalled up, but better safe than sorry. The vet said he's all clear andthat if the diarrhea continues I should bring in a stool sample tocheck for parasites. Anyway, the point of the story is that I had topick a name for him! So I decided to go with Figgs after a characterfrom a Redwall book (although it was an otter, not a hare). I asked thevet to check the sex, and she took Figgs to the exotic animalspecialist for a once over, and she came back saying that Figgs issimply too young to tell! That makes me think Figgs might have beenseparated from mommy too early, although he is a good size.

Thanks for the incredibly warm welcome! All the animal forums I've evervisited are usually just as warm and cheery. It must be something aboutanimal lovers! :) It's nice to be here. I'm sure I'll learn a ton, andask even more questions. Thanks!!!!!! I'll post a picture when Figgs isa little more settled in.



As to your little one's runny stools, be sure to keep her hydrated. Ifyou must, syringe feed her water or at least put some on her lips soshe has to drink it if you notice she's not taking in her usual amount.

Give her plenty of fiber - timothy hay to help dry her up.

That's a very interesting article, thanks forsharing! I never knew that most animals get about a billionheartbeats...that's certainly something to think about!

Just re-read your note. Sadly, many pet stores do sell their rabbits before it's time.

There's a website listed in the Cheat Sheet for rabbits that helps you sex a rabbit.

Can you post a picture of the rabbit?

I wonder if it's fully weaned.

Welcome Beth!

I used to have a rat too, her name was Reba (not after the singer, Inamed her after the Phish song). She was AWESOME. So friendly and sheloved me. She had free reign of my room (this was an eon ago when I hadroommates), and would come running to me when I called her. Sadly, shedeveloped a tumor too, and I had to have her put down. I didn't get anew one, because of the short life span, but she'll always hold aspecial place in my heart.

Meanwhile, enjoy your bunny. They make great pets too, as I'm sureyou're finding out now. I'm going to look for the pic you posted.

Again, welcome!

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