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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I've been aching (joints, etc) for like 3 days - now I feel like my chest is gonna explode - not like from heart pains but from almost a bronchitis like feel.

I think this is what Art was like last week.....he was miserable.

I also can't get comfortable - I'm either too hot or too cold.

When I think of the flu - I think of vomiting - but this isn't that. I mean - my stomach isn't involved at all.

Is this what the flu is like this year?

I'm heading back to bed so I won't see responses for a bit.....

The real flu (or flus - there are different strains) really aren't vomiting at all. Some people call that stomach flu but Influenza is actually generally a high fever, aches, coughing, headache.

There are a couple of strains of the flu going through this year. The flu vac didn't work on one in particular. We were just talking to a friend in medicine about how many people have had a flu this year who even got the shot.

There was also the flu that caused you to literally feel like your lungs were filling up and you were drawning. Me and hubby had it and i thought I would die! That's when I had the fever and dehydrated and had to go to the ER. That could be what you are having now, but it sounds more like this virus we've had.

Do you have a sore throat?

Ugh, poor you! :(

'Real flu' doesn't normally come with cold like symptoms, but the achiness, temperature, and restlessness are all symptoms of classic flu. I had it a while ago, and thank god it only lasted a few days, but I seriously felt like I was dying! I felt so ill that I couldn't get comfortable- even lying in bed I felt awful and couldn't sleep... I just ended up stumbling around the house moaning and holding onto things to stop myself falling over!

I hope you feel better soon! :hug:

There's some nasty stuff going around this year. One strain that causes a terriblecough, lasts for over 2 weeks. My one son had to go to the doctor twice and the hospital once.

Well since I was officially diagnosed with this because I had to go to a critical care center for it (fever was 103.8), it's a Viral Upper Respiratory Infection. She did the flu test for me and it came out negative. My doc told me to take Sudafed, Tylenoland either use Saline Nasal Spray or the Nettie Pot. I opted for the Nettie pot. It's weird but it helps everything leave the sinuses via the nose instead of going down into your chest. She also gave me a prescription for the Zpak (an antibiotic) just in case my fever kept spiking and Tylenol wouldn't bring it down.

The Vicks Nasal Strips also helped.
Oh Pam, that thing with the cough is awful! We had that too!

Mom saw that there is one strain of the flu that can cause symptoms to recur for 6 mos!!!!!
i had the sinus one a while back and the cough that lasted 3 weeks, i was over it feeling good getting back into the swing of theings and BOOM got his with this chest thing lots of flem(i know you didn't wanna know that), sore throat, low grade feaver, pounding head..

felt a bit odd on thursday, friday at work by early afternoon people were sure i was in pain because of my posture, and saturday it was in full blown effect, no energy, feed my dog rest, pick up their dishes rest, had to feed the buns very slowly, and lean on stuff to rest every few seconds..

i'm so ticked off because i just got over the other one like 2-3 weeks ago and now this.. eating like a pig though drinking like it's going out of style and loosing weight.. the weight loss is fine, just a bit odd considering i ate like 6 meals on saturday.. just extreamly hungry and can't seem to get enough to eat..

i hope those who are having ay of this crap a first time get over it quicker than I did, and any going through it a second time I feel your pain..
Bo B Bunny wrote:
There was also the flu that caused you to literally feel like your lungs were filling up and you were drawning. Me and hubby had it and i thought I would die! That's when I had the fever and dehydrated and had to go to the ER. That could be what you are having now, but it sounds more like this virus we've had.

Do you have a sore throat?
I don't have a sore throat and I'm not coughing much but I feel almost like I did when I had walking pneumonia years ago - and it feels like there is fluid in my chest.

I may actually break down and see a doctor later this week depending upon how I feel....

The heaviness in the chest only started about 18 hours ago and I've slept the last 10 hours almost...

Art was sick last week but it was like having a really bad cold with sore throat and coughing and fever and stuff.....

Thanks everyone.....I guess the best advice is..... sleep a lot and drink lots? Anything else?

Drinking warm drinks, taking very hot showers and sitting in the steam, and making sure to blow your nose etc as much as possible is the best thing to do until you get to a doctor which should be really soon. I had walking pneumonia and if you say you feel like you did when you had it, best to get it checked. it can also be bronchitis, even if you don't cough. Best not to let it get worse. Feel better soon :rose:
Drink lots of fluids.... Like, so much that you can't drink any more! :pDon't worry too much if you can't eat much, but I always like to eat fresh oranges and soups when I'm ill if I can....

Take paracetomol for your temperature, it'll ease the aches as well....

But most of all, when I'm ill like that, I run a nice hot bath, use all my favourite bath stuff, light some candles, and chill out for an hour.... Sucks that I can't have proper baths at the moment and for the forseeable future! :grumpy:
My understanding is that if I sleep a lot it will help - but that the more I lay down - the more I let this settle into my chest....is that right?

Should I rest in a recliner so I'm not laying down?

Sorry if I sound like a baby or something - I don't mean to. I know Art was so sick that he missed 2 days of work last week (when he was in the military for 20 years he only took about 8 sick days....so his missing TWO days last week says a lot).

I think I'm off to get more rest in a couple of minutes - I can't seem to think much or do much...


If you can take it, get some Mucinex D over the counter. I cannot take the active ingrediant but hubby can and it go him over that part. Doc recommended it for all of us. Lexi took Delsym and it helps as well.

I've always been of the understanding that it's better to sleep more upright if you have any kind of chest infection etc, although I'm not entirely sure... Sleeping in a recliner would help, as would sleeping in bed with pillows propping you up, although I never find that too comfortable!

And noooo you do not sound like a baby! Flu or anything like that is miserable to have, I've vented enough about it in the past myself! :D

My friend had the flu and is now just getting over it, coughing is still lingering.

She had the true flu with stomach flu ontop of it and she is pregnant due in June. Bad, she said that she could not get out of bed without running to the bathroom to vomit or diareah. She had massive headaches, she told me that she asked her hubby to kill her to get rid of this nasty pains she delt with. She said the headaches were the worst than the joint pains. She said she would rather deal with joint pains than head pains with vomiting.
Whatever it is, it can leave now. I came into work an hour late today and I was told "you don't look good Dave". I told them thanks, I hate to feel this bad and not look the part!;)

I started coming down last week with sore throat, then coughing, my eyes feel like they are going to burn right out of their sockets, chest congestionandmy wife is coming down with it too! :(

I felt so bad Friday and Saturday I skipped a rabbit show and spent the weekend coughing, now the coughing has slowed down, but my throat is sore again.:sigh:


I am also the biggest wimp when I get sick, I know typical guy.

I feel bad for my bunnies, I just don't feel up to spending time with them!

Thanks everyone. Art just left for the store to get some things - like Mucinex and more fluids and stuff like that.

Right now - half the time my head feels like an echo chamber - any noise and it is like it keeps going and going and going in my head. So I try to sleep....but that makes my chest feel worse (like I should be up and about and doing stuff).

If I seem really abrupt the next few days in posts...understand that odds are good I'm grabbing a few minutes on the computer before heading back to bed. Art laughed at the idea that *I* might have short posts.....

wabbitdad, what you have is EXACTLY what I have had. the sore throat got better and then came back and went to my ears too!

I woke up on Saturday and my throat was nearly swollen shut!

My daughter and I had to go to the doc and they put us on strong antibiotics. We're both feeling better.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
wabbitdad, what you have is EXACTLY what I have had. the sore throat got better and then came back and went to my ears too!

I woke up on Saturday and my throat was nearly swollen shut!

My daughter and I had to go to the doc and they put us on strong antibiotics. We're both feeling better.

WOW! I saw a nurse-practioner yesterday and he offered anti-biotics, but I was feeling a little better, then I woke up a 330am and felt terrible. I may see if the doc can squeeze me in tomorrow.


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