Flopsy is getting really sick!!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2004
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St Catharines , Ontario, Canada
when i first got flopsy, he had symptoms of thesnuffles! I took him to the vet and he confirmed my suspisions!! he hasbeen on several treatments of antibiotics and has been taking vitaminsupplements as well as being treated with Rabbit Rx, it seems he is notbetter and is gettting worse, i just noticed that his right eye is nowleaking ! I don't know what to do for him anymore and Im not sure ifputting him down would be the best thing because he's still eating andpooping and drinking and acting like any other bunny would except forthe occasional sneezing and frequent discharge from his eyes and nose!!Im really worried that he might be suffering and don't want to prolongit if he's never gona get over this thing!!! Help!

You may want to go back to the vet and try adifferent antibiotic. It doesn't sound like he is suffering,and the new meds might make a big difference. You might alsotry putting him in a small room with a medicated vaporizer.

If he looks ok otherwise, there's probably noreason to put him down. I have a little buck with severeallergies for several years, but he still enjoys life. But he doessneeze quite a bit.....and scratches his nose til it bleeds.

Buns with snuffles--whatever the cause of the snuffles--just need moremaintenance. Vaseline if nose gets infected, dust-free hay/straw,medications, cleanup of discharge, etc.

Did you ever find out what is causing the snuffles? Is it truly pasteurella or could it be an allergy?

Fenwick was allergic to hay, pollen, and oatmeal--of all things! Andhe's still sniffling, so there must be something else he's reacting to.

If you have a good vet, you should probably ask about the prognosis for future.

I don't really know if I understand but if arabbit has the sniffles I wouldn't think to put him down.Ifhe kicks his feet back and actingas the normthenlet life take its course. I mustnotseethe full picture, could you broaden it for me?

Hi Peter,

What is being referred toas the "Snuffles" is actually inreference to symptoms of Pasteurella. This can be a very seriousinfection that can eventually spread throughout the entire body of thepoor bun affected. It can even cause head tilt if it gets into themiddle ear. Antibiotics can help, but severe/advanced cases could bedifficult to treat.

JimD wrote:
Hi Peter,

What is being referred toas the "Snuffles" is actually inreference to symptoms of Pasteurella. This can be a very seriousinfection that can eventually spread throughout the entire body of thepoor bun affected. It can even cause head tilt if it gets into themiddle ear. Antibiotics can help, but severe/advanced cases could bedifficult to treat.


Oh thanks jim I appreciate that. well I hope things get better for the little bun

Thanks for all the advice guys, this helps memake my decision!! Im taking flopsy to the vet to get a differenttreatment to see if it helps and also ask about further information onhis current condition so I can better help him!!! ;)I feel sobad for my little guy cuz his nose iz always all red and stuff poorbaby Imgona try that vaporizer in a little room and see howthathelps him 2 !!!:);)Thanxpam!!
luna21 wrote:
Thanks for all the advice guys, this helps me make mydecision!! Im taking flopsy to the vet to get a different treatment tosee if it helps and also ask about further information on his currentcondition so I can better help him!!! ;)I feel so bad for mylittle guy cuz his nose iz always all red and stuff poorbaby Imgona try that vaporizer in a little room and see howthathelps him 2 !!!:);)Thanxpam!!

A bit of vaseline on top the nose helps in controlling redness.
JimD wrote:
Hi Peter,

What is being referred toas the "Snuffles" is actually inreference to symptoms of Pasteurella. This can be a very seriousinfection that can eventually spread throughout the entire body of thepoor bun affected. It can even cause head tilt if it gets into themiddle ear. Antibiotics can help, but severe/advanced cases could bedifficult to treat.


Actually, "snuffles" is a generic term for the symptoms described, andcan encompass anything from allergies to the dreaded pasteurella.Snuffles that don't respond to antibiotics used to treat pasteurellacould either indicate allergies or another pathogen.

Pasteurelloses, "snuffles," torticollis,metritis, mastitis, abscesses and many other problems of rabbits aresymptoms of infections caused by Pasteurella multocida, abacteria that is present in most all rabbits. There is alot ofmisunderstanding and misconception about the bacteria and the diseaseits self.
Pasteurella bacteria live in the upper respiratory tract (nose andsinus) of rabbits and other mammals. While it is believed that mostrabbits carry the bacteria, it is usually only when the rabbit isstressed or in poor health that the bacteria can grow out of controland start causing symptoms.

The symptoms of the infection depend mostly on where the infectionstarts. Symptoms in the upper respiratory tract are a thick white nasaldischarge accompanied by sneezing or a cough. You may also notice wetmatting of the front inside paws, as the rabbit tries to wipe its nose.
If the infection moves up the rabbit's middle ear, ear infectionsresult. Symptoms include loss of balance or head tilt. The officialname for this symptom is "torticollis" or "wry neck".

He definetly has alot of thick white nasaldischarge and matting of the paws, as well as the leaky eyes!! Hesneezes alot and I hear him weeze alot at night , he sure sleeps alottoo!!
Luna...Did you take him back to the vet? If so,what did the vet say? If you took him and he's not any better yet itmay be time to call them again.

I am taking him back to the vet, the earliestthey could take him was the end of this week on friday! I hope they cando something for us!!!! Im really worried!
I was thinking about you a lot last night. Poor Flopsy :(.

IMO..vet visit asap...& different meds. Maybe a different vet'sopinion if that doesn't work. Are there any emergency clinics in yourarea. We actually use the vet at the PetSamrt by us. It's called theBanfield Clinic. The vet is great. They're open 6 days 9a-5p and acceptwalk-ins as well as appointments. They give us advice over the phone,too.

Keep him warm, clean, and comfortable till then. Try to make sure hehas everything possible to keep his system running the best it can(Good diet, clean water, clean cage, etc..you know the routine). Andtake the advice of the experts here on the forum.

Thoughts and prayers are sent your way.

~Jim & the crew
Mastitis too? Didn't know that! And I alsocouldn't remember if coccidia or pasteurella was the one most rabbitscarrybut only some show.

I thought in Kathy Smith's book she used the term "snuffles" to cover amultitude of conditions, but I could be wrong. Thanks for the info!!

JimD wrote:
Pasteurelloses, "snuffles," torticollis, metritis, mastitis,abscesses and many other problems of rabbits are symptoms of infectionscaused by Pasteurella multocida, a bacteria that is present inmost all rabbits. There is alot of misunderstanding and misconceptionabout the bacteria and the disease its self.
Pasteurella bacteria live in the upper respiratory tract (nose andsinus) of rabbits and other mammals. While it is believed that mostrabbits carry the bacteria, it is usually only when the rabbit isstressed or in poor health that the bacteria can grow out of controland start causing symptoms.

The symptoms of the infection depend mostly on where the infectionstarts. Symptoms in the upper respiratory tract are a thick white nasaldischarge accompanied by sneezing or a cough. You may also notice wetmatting of the front inside paws, as the rabbit tries to wipe its nose.
If the infection moves up the rabbit's middle ear, ear infectionsresult. Symptoms include loss of balance or head tilt. The officialname for this symptom is "torticollis" or "wry neck".
Hi Rose,

I also meant to put a note with that post.

I located that info on the internet. I can't remember where. It's in my"binder for rabbit stuff". I really have to start labeling the things Ifind so I can go back to the website (if they still exist).

There is sooo much info out there. I learn something everyday...and love to pass it on if it could assist in some way.

I welcome comments on any info I provide. I realize that not everythingfound is completely correct and experience can sometimes overrideresources.

:~) Jim
JimD wrote:
Hi Rose,

I also meant to put a note with that post.

I located that info on the internet. I can't remember where. It's in my"binder for rabbit stuff". I really have to start labeling the things Ifind so I can go back to the website (if they still exist).

There is sooo much info out there. I learn something everyday...and love to pass it on if it could assist in some way.

I welcome comments on any info I provide. I realize that not everythingfound is completely correct and experience can sometimes overrideresources.

:~) Jim

If you find the site I'd love to have it. I like to keep a file ofrabbit info for emergencies, especially since the vets here aren'treally knowledgeable about rabbits. I'm especially hunting for sitesthat tell about safe medications. Kathy Smith's book is awesome, but byno means exhaustive.



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