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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Hopatcong, New Jersey, USA
I live in NJ where it has been hot &humid for the past month. I went outside this morning tocheck on everybunny. The amount of flies werehorrendous!!! Dominique, my little 9 year old, had uneatencecotropes all over her cage bottom (uncovered wire).
The flies were having a field day! I had to scrub her cage toremove all of it. The fly strip that hung under her hutch,must have had, at least, 200 flies attached to it! I hung uptwo more!! None of the other hutches were affected...justhers. I clean their cages, and the areas around them, everynight.

I know she is getting old...is there anything special I should be doingwith her? She hardly ever eats hay. She loves herveggies, which I keep at a minimum because of hersize....tiny. Her regular poops are fine. Charlotte
Are you using vanilla in her water, Charlotte?

I hateflies. Theonly good one is a dead one.

[align=left]Dealing with a Geriatric Rabbit:[/align]

Ever consider putting a net around her cage tokeep them out? I know it sounds a bit bizarre, but if they'rethat much of a threat to her and the stickies just aren't getting whatthey should, it might be something to consider while the weather iswhat it is.

if youre considering buying netting...forgot theregular mosquito netting theyll rip you off b/c its used for a specificcause...go to somewhere like ragshop or micheal's where they sellfabrics and buy some fine netting by the yard...its much cheaper ;)
Dang flies are easier todeal with then these bloodsucking fleas ! arg the ground and housea loaded with them , I havenearly gassed myself senseless trying to killthe buggers off .

This weekend we change all 16fly strips in the garage andIm taking out the 5snakes 2birds 2 cats and plants then Bombingthe house to heck and back .

The only Fy in the ointment ( punintended ) is I have one Cat deathlyallergic to ALL flea Preperations, now even FrontlineI dont know how to get ridof them on her and they arechewing her to pieces . Her Kitten miracuoslyisnt allergic ( go figure ) ,

The Rabbits seem to besafe from the fleas Im notsure really as to the Why of it. but I am notcomplaining thats for sure.
I'd go with the whatever type of mosquitonet/cheese cloth or whatever you can find on that level rather than useany sprays. Too risky around the rabbits. The netwill definitely keep them away from your baby. Agreed thatit's a pain, but we only have another month or two left of this 'flyweather'.

This is the first time that this has happened,at this level. It would break her heart to bring her in forthe rest of the season. She languished, during the winter,when I brought her in. She has lived outdoors all herlife...this past winter was the first time she had ever beenin. As soon as I put her back outside in April, she perkedup. I just went outside...all the fliesare gone. Gonna head out to get some screening stuff.
gypsy wrote:
Theonly Fy in the ointment ( pun intended) is I have one Cat deathly allergic toALL flea Preperations , noweven Frontline I dontknow how to get rid of them onher and they are chewing her to pieces .Her Kitten miracuosly isnt allergic (go figure ) ,

I wonder if a misting of Listerine would be effective in ridding thepoor kitty of her fleas?? It's suppose to work for getting rid of furmites on the bunnies...why not fleas on a kitty?

Just a thought.
The only Fy in theointment ( pun intended ) is I have oneCat deathly allergic to ALL fleaPreperations , now evenFrontline I dont know how toget rid of them on herand they are chewing her to pieces . HerKitten miracuosly isnt allergic ( gofigure ) ,

Try "skin so soft" from Avon. I had a horse that was allergic to fly sprays, so I used the "skin so soft" on him.

pamnock wrote:
The only Fy in theointment ( pun intended ) is I have oneCat deathly allergic to ALL fleaPreperations , now evenFrontline I dont know how toget rid of them on herand they are chewing her to pieces . HerKitten miracuosly isnt allergic ( gofigure ) ,

Try "skin so soft" from Avon. I had a horse that was allergic to fly sprays, so I used the "skin so soft" on him.

that is the repellent i use on myself! i have super sensitiveskin and its one of the only things that doesnt bug out my skin! and ifyou order it soon as per their latest catalogue its 50% off :p

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