Flemish Giant Doe 10wks old Leaving Pills in Pen

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Jun 19, 2013
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We brought home two Flemish Giant sisters a week and a half ago. They were fine when we brought them home - all bonded and such, but now the larger white one has broken that bond. I now have them both housed in separate x pens, apart from one another. The grey one only leaves a couple of pills lying around in her pen, but the white doe leaves so much more. She is does use the two litter boxes I have in her pen and does all her pee and a majority of her pills in there, but why does she leave so many pills lying around in her pen? Is this a territorial thing? Both buns are 10 weeks old. When I have her out for her daily playtime, I always clean up her pen. Wondering if I should just leave it? Any help will be appreciated.
I don't know much but I think it may be a territorial thing. It could also just mean that they don't use the litter well. My Ash used to do that he'd poop in his litter box and he'd poop on the floor. I would always sweep his poops up and put them in his litter box and now he poops all of his poops in his litter box.

But I've never had females so I don't know much about them. I'm sure some one more experienced with females will step in.
At 10 weeks of age, they're still young. You'll have to litter train them both, though some rabbits are just neater than others. At that age, too, siblings typically get along pretty good. It may be that the white one is just starting to hit puberty and that can affect the sibling relationship.
A lot of people consider a bun litter trained as long as it pees only in the litter box. Some stray poos outside the litter box are usual. It could also be her marking her territory. Were both buns kept in the same pen until the bond broke? Was one of them kept in the original pen and one moved to a new pen, if so was it the white bun moved to the new pen? This could explain it.

Does the white one eat more than the grey? That could also be the reason.

Or it may be that she has just not learned the litter training as well.

I don't think leaving the poos will encourage her to use the litter box more. I think you will just wind up with a dirtier pen with more poo in it and risk to her health.

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