Flemish Care

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Corky's Cave, , USA
I hope to be getting a Flemish soon and would like to be prepared....

I know that they get the Manna Pro I think it is....They get alotbigger than I'm used to... (my biggest bun currently is 6lbs)...Arethere any other major differences that I should know about incare/needs?

Thanks so much!!!
Yep, know that one too, guess I shoulda saidthat...I already have a large wire dog crate for one... ;) Asfor the water bottle, I have some big ones, but may look for an evenbigger one, thats no big deal.

I guess I meant more their feeding needs, etc.......I'm guessing forthe most part they are just like the smaller buns, but wanna be sure!

They are reallyjust like other rabbits. Though I think Nimue responds to me more, notthat I am saying other rabbits dont, I am just saying that with myrabbits Nimue responds better. Like he comes when he is called, andknows the meaning of "DOWN", and he sits up on command. He is alsoCOMPLETELY litter box trained, like he never misses...ever...which isnice because he doesnt have abottom to his cage.

They are kinda like camels, they drink anddrink and drink, I have to fill Nimues32 oz water bottleevery other day, and sometimes every day :)

When you get a flemish make sure you holdhim/her a lot, because if you dont it will be hard to catch a 15+ lbrabbit! :D

Thanks Amy....I currently have 2 that like to beheld and2 that don't care as much....the 2 that like it getheld alot... ;) So that won't be a problem!!!
All I have to say... is dont ration out food toa growing Flemish according to the HRS regulations. Flemmysneed as much food as they can take in when they are growing.Our breeder told us a sad story about one of her Flemish who went to ahome that only fed him based on his weight. Needless to saywhen she got the Flemish back from the family he was horriblymalnourished and his growth was stunted.

I havent seen Anubis gorging on his food like Guin is apt to do, heeats only when he is hungry and then consumes a lot.

I was also told to give him Alfalfa pellets and alfalfa hay rather thenthe timothy stuff, but I noticed he was getting a lot of thecetertropes(sp) spread around his cage so I went to back to Timothy hay.
...and get a rrrreeaaallyyy Big Water Bottle! :wink:

They drink A Lot!!

I hope you get a Flemish soon too!


P.S. Just saw Amy and bunsforlife posted that. Sorry for the repeat!

Sounds like you're ready, PGG. The ladies have given good tips, after that, I'd say you're good to go!
How long do you basically free feed them? I knowwith smaller buns, you slowly cut back around the 6 month or so mark.But I know flemmies grow a lot more and a lot longer?

Flemish grow pretty steadily for the first year,after that their growth continues at a much slower pace, but they areknown to continue to grow until 3-4 years old. After the first year,when you think they've peaked at their growth spurts, you can startcutting back on the limited feed from what I understand.

If you check out the Flemish Fever post, the first couple of pages hassome good information in there as to what to watch out for, what theirneeds are, what problems could arise, etc.

Oh, how exciting that you're thinking of joining the flemish family!!

Sampson is definitely more responsive to me then the rest of mybuns. He's also much more into other people, although he'sstill a mama's boy. Like Amy said with Nimue, he iscompletely litter trained. I've been so lucky, the breederhad the whole litter trained. It was too funny.

He's a little mouthy, meaning that he bites a bit. It's nothard enough to hurt, just enough to get my attention and only when I'mopening his cage and he doesn't think I'm doing it fast enough.

Sampson gets unlimited alfalfa pellets and timothy hay. Hegets 1 tbsp. Calf Manna daily too. He loves it, but it makeshis cecals smell bad.

The only other things I can think of are that they can't have wirebottom cages because they are more prone to sore hocks. Andthey are more prone to arthritis in old age, the same type of thing aswith all large breeds of any type of animals.

I have some web sites Tina gave me when I was getting Sampson, I can give them to you if you would like.

Yes Jen, that'd be great. Now on theCalfMana, is that a requirement? What does that do, just extranutrition? Corky's nite poops already smell NASTY...can'timagine much worse! I'm having to clean up a good share of his due tothe fact he can't get to em all with his "hat" on.
From the Manna Pro web site:

Here's an overview of just what makesCalf-Manna, with its high quality proteins andconsumption-enhancing features, such an outstanding supplement for youranimals:


Anise, a flavor agent that provides an invitingaroma and taste, encourages consistent feed intake helping animals getstarted and stay on feed.


Calf-Manna provides an array of amino acidsfrom multiple protein sources, which are essential for growth andreproduction.


Yeast is included to aid in the healthy functionof the digestive system and to encourage intake.


Calf-Manna provides highly digestiblecarbohydrates from multiple sources, providing your animals with anexcellent source of energy.


Linseed, long used for skin and coat conditioning,offers protein and oil to diversify the amino acid and fatty acidcomposition.

For over 70 years, Calf-Manna has been fedwith outstanding results. Many competitors have tried to copy it, butCalf-Manna's formula remains unchanged and unique, making it thepreferred product by more professionals
I actually talked to the breeder Mambo gotFonzie from at a show and she said she gives all her Flemish andEnglish Lops Calf Manna for their entire lives. She said shegives it to the others while they are growing. I've beengiving Sampson (Flemish) 1 tbsp daily, Elvis (Californian) 1 tsp. dailyand my growing buns 1 tsp. daily.

All my buns get a tiny bit of calf mana in withtheir food - and my pregnant doe gets a double-dose of it.She loves it and eats it up first thing.

w00h00!!! Planning to go this weekendand meet some babies that will be ready to go in about amonth. The timing will be about right for me. Hope to findsomeone we click with and put down a deposit!!!:D:D Gonna call the breeder tonite and see if thatwill work!

Does anyone have the steel variety here?
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
w00h00!!! Planning to go this weekend and meetsome babies that will be ready to go in about a month. Thetiming will be about right for me. Hope to find someone we click withand put down a deposit!!! :D:D Gonna call thebreeder tonite and see if that will work!


Keep us posted, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

I am hoping to get a Steel in April.

We have Diva but her mom doesn't come on anymore that I know of.

I am soooo excited for you. How thrilling. How awesome. YEA!!



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