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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
Hi all,

Today I found a flea on my dog and I'm really concerned, I've never hada problem with fleas so I don't know how worried I need to be. I gaveher a bath with flea shampoo and I have frontline to put on her.....I've actually had it for 3 months and never put it on, I feel reallydumb about it now. I haven't seen any fleas on any of the otheranimals, but I gave my other dog a bath with the flea shampoo and I'mgoing to put frontline on him. The cat probably wont get a bath, butI'll put flea stuff on her too. My question is, how can I make sure Mr.Wiggles (german angora) doesn't have them, his hair is so thick it'shard to tell. Would they be on his back or his stomach? Should I treathim for fleas, or just hope that he didn't get any. Also I am wonderinghow my dog could have gotten the fleas. She hardly goes outside andwhen she does she goes out to a wood balcony... I didn't think she'dpick any up being out there. We did just come back from a weekend trip.We were staying wth family and they have a horse ranch, so needless tosay LOTS of bugs. They have a dog and a cat that could have broughtfleas into their house. Maybe we brought them in on our luggage?

Any advice would be appreciated.


Well, my dog has hadfleas on him before, and Umbra's never gotten them. My dogalways contracts a bunch of fleas when we bring him to my Grandma'shouse in LA. Their dogs down there all have a freakin' ton offleas even when they have flea medicine! It's quiteannoying. Needless to say, Mac (my dog) has Advantage, sohe's all taken care of. But I keep an eye on Umbra.All I look for is to see if he's excessively itching or scratching hisbody, and when I know my dog has had trouble with fleas, I use my fleacomb (they can be purchased at just about any pet shop/store) on him tosee if I can find anything. I could also look through his furI suppose, but I've never had the need to. I believe spotsfleas like are the rump, back of head, and others I can'tremember. I don't know if you can use a flea comb on anAngora; they're hair's kinda different. But it's asuggestion. Sorry that's all I've got; perhaps someone withmore flea experience will post.

--Melissa and Umbra
Check belly, head and rump. You part the hairdown to the skin and brush backwards. If you see little black sandgrains/poppyseeds, that's flea dirt. The skin should be clean ifthere's no fleas.

Don't use frontline on the bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine died from anothertopical flea treatment and I heard frontline was worse for rabbits. Iuse kitten flea powder. Flea combs are good too to control and clean upflea dirt.

Hi Rose,

Your bunny was the first thing I thought of when I saw the flea on mydog, that's why I was so worried. I keep checking, him, but I haven'tfound anything yet, so I think I'm ok.


Fleas can be managed, it's just thatWHATone usescan be a problem. And the vets all liketo prescribe frontline, etc. Kitten flea powder does work, especiallyif you use a comb also (good luck with a longhaired bunny!). I'mwanting to try garlic powder too, I heard it helps (and the vet said ithelps also).

We've had fleas many times over the years, and use the kitten powder.Most of the time it works, just with Bunbun the vet talked me into therevolution stuff and THAT wasa mistake.

Obviously, though, there's always the odd bunny that's allergic, sotest a small spot first. Some ofmine get a little flakingafterwards, and the skin gets a little red. And try not to breathe thestuff yourself. You do it once, then again in a week or two. Thatusually does it, unless you have fleas in the house. I heard sprinklingborax into the carpet works (anyone heard anything about that????)but the animals aren't supposed to come in contact with it forawhile.

Also, I've heard a lot about Brewer's yeast being effective when fed to pets. Good luck getting them to eat it though!!!


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