flea help?

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May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Boone, North Carolina, USA
My year old bun Burton somehow got fleas (Ithink from a cat that roams around outside my apartment, even thoughBurton is inside) and I don't know the best way to get rid ofthem. They're eating him up and he just looks somiserable. Does anyone have experience in killing fleas in abunny-safe way? I saw Advantage for cats can be used, but Ijust wanted to ask you experts if there was another way.Thanks.
Advantage is safe, but I'd check with a vet for the correct dosage. They might need a kitten version.

You'll also need to treat the environment, but becareful. A lot of the foggers and such are reallybad for bunnies. One thing you can do is put a flea collar inyour vacuum bag to kill them as you suck them up.

There's lots of info in the Rabbit Health References thread on fleas:
thanks, I was planning on moving him to myboyfriend's apartment while I bomb my apartment, but the flea collar isa handy trick. I just feel so bad for him because he looks somiserable.