flea control

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Apr 3, 2005
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I was just wondering if rabbits can wear cat flea collars?? Or what is a good flea control product ???
Hello and Welcome.

Collars are a big no no for rabbits. Here is a bit of information. I am quoting Carolyn.

Kitten flea powder works on rabbits for fleas.Dry skin can be a sign of mites. Is it flaky? Looks like dandruff?

At least three ivermectin 1.87% (it'sa horse worming paste that can be purchased at a feed store for between $12-$20) pea-sized amount on the forepaws where they can lick it off at 7 to 10 day intervals three times would help clear of any bugs. Be sure not to overdose. It's important to finish the course of treatment even if the condition seems to have disappeared. Although ivermectin isn't licensed for use in rabbits, it has been widely used for a number of years without many reported problems. That said, you might want to check with your vet first. I know many breeders and pet owners that have used it with great success.

If you go to the top of the screen you'll se a box with search next to it. If you type in fleas you will be directed to posts that regard fleas. Hope this helps.


Another thing you can do to keep Fleas to a minimum :

This woirks very well for me, as i havea indoor /out door cat wheni go shoping i alwayspick up (any brand ) a Fleacollar for large dogs , drop itinto you vacume cleaner bag andmerrily ( ha ) vacume away , whendone take the BAG out and throwin a dumpster away from your house, that way any half alive fleaswill not be still inside the house.

My husband thinks i am a nut casebecause i use a 5 gal shopvac to clean my floors ,but they are tops in myboook for getting deep into thecarpet and getting all thesilty dirt he refusesto knock of his boots .
I have seen the fleas in his fur. Does the horse wormer do the trick on the fleas?:?
Thats such a good,

idea but, What happens if ya have bag less hover? canyou put fle powder onto a rabbit or do you need to do what ya do withcats and dogs and used front line(liquid)

** Bump **

Well my Friends Fleaseason is offically on!I just checked myFemale rat and yep shehas fleas poor thing , i wasthunderstruck to say the least NONE ofthe cats have them , just this poormama rat , well to say i wasclueless was an understatement , I calledmy Vet and stammered myself thru an explanationof how shehas themand how hopeless i was as to whatto do , after a good bellylaugh he said the bestthing for Rats, and Rabbitsis to use a Kitten safespray or powder orliquid like Frontline or Advantage.

I was totally floored i havenever had a flea problem with ratsbefore , cats had them butnever my rats :shock:
I knew fleascould just never seen any on my pet rat - she smells so minty/herbally I guess the fleas don't bother her.
Ive never had anissue with them till nowit seems geesh just when youthink you have something under controllol nasty little buggers ,

Tell me how do you kleep her smelling minty fresh ???
I don't do anything to her - she just smells likemint and herbs. She keeps that smell no matter what type ofbedding I use - Carefresh, Aspen, etc. I thought all femalerats smelled like that LOL. What does your's smell like?

Could it be her diet? I give her fruits, veggies, and little of everything else plus rat food and dog dood.
well ihave never picked her up for one thelittle bugger has no sense of niceness toher at all touch and bleedis her motto , lol now CouchTater well that nit case loves to be heldand snuggled he kindasmells fruity kinda like thegrains i give him lol
I just had athought , i grow mint for mybees now it controls varora miteand thorax mites i wonder whoit would do for fleasand fur mites ?? anyone triedit ? or hadexperience with Mints?
Yeah, my Pixie is way to active to sit still andbe petted but she will come when called and can beg and does all sortsof funny things - like having a miniature monkey around. WhenI first got her I thought Ilost my senses because I keptsmelling spearmint whenever I walked past her cage. The smellgets stronger when it is warm in the house. If that's her"stink" then I'm not complaining.

Is your male neutered? I've always thought that males willhave a musky smell to them. Couch Tater (cute name BTW) mustgets lots of loves and kisses smelling like fruit and grains.
Gypsy, do any of your other pets in thehouse have fleas? I would treat them first andanypet areasthen change therat's bedding frequently until the fleas were gone inother parts of the house. You could maybe try a flea comb on her (withgloves since she doesn't like being held). Once they weregone from the house, they will be no longer on the rat.
nope just this one rat

i have flea combed everyone of themand nothing with her you canactually see them ewwwwwwww ihate fleas

Hmm, I guess she's just yummy to themLOL.:p You have really got me stumped. Maybe akitten flea collar place just outside her cage would help? Mybrother's ferret woulld get fleas and that's what he would do to helpcontrol them.

Oh, and if you have any carpet or rugs nearby, the fleas will lay theireggs there and they will then hatch. I used to use roachpowder in my vacuum bag (others use a flea collar inside the bag) andvacuum the carpets with it. Whatever eggs and fleas getsucked up die.

I know what you mean about hating the fleas -- little buggers would tear me up when I wore white socks.
I have a fleacollar in myvaccume cleaner at all times winteror summer , i dontlike to spray for bugs becausei also have birds and snakes ,and moving one of the snakes isa major 2 person job , she weighs 131/2 pounds , so moving her on my own isnot an option . not only that at 6 ftlong to my 5' 5 " is a strugglei would just as soon notrisk lol

Ok, this might be a crazy response but I know Imnot the only person who does this, and one of the people i know that doit is actually abreeder....My rabbits will allow meto vaccum them lol. I guessit would depend on how docile andrelaxed your rabbit is on whether it scares him too much or if he willsit still or not. My rabbits will allow me to vaccum them and sometimeseven seem to enjoy it- although i know thats rare. Sometimes they evenget frisky with the vaccum and try to play with it. Im thinking maybefleas can be vaccumed off? (e.g from the suction). I've never actuallyhad fleas though so I dont know if it would work. Its definatily anidea to avoid to use of chmicals though.
** Ok, this might be a crazy response but I knowIm not the only person who does this, and one of the people i know thatdo it is actually abreeder....My rabbits will allowme to vaccum them lol. I guessit would depend on how docileand relaxed your rabbit is on whether it scares him too much or if hewill sit still or not. My rabbits will allow me to vaccum them andsometimes even seem to enjoy it- although i know thats rare. Sometimesthey even get frisky with the vaccum and try to play with it. Imthinking maybe fleas can be vaccumed off? (e.g from the suction). I'venever actually had fleas though so I dont know if it would work. Itsdefinatily an idea to avoid to use of chmicals though**

the funniest mentalpicture just hit me withsuch force i burst out laughingand scared the widgets out of my husband ,

i was envisioning vacuming therat and all of a sudden SLURPPPPPP !!!!the vacume eats the rat , sorrysmall things amuse small minds lol

She isnt really big enough yet to tryvacuming but i will keep that in mindfor my rabbits lol well thebigger ones anyways IE:: slameSlURPING problem with some of them lol ,

I think I need sleep !!!!!!!!!!!

LittleMija2 wrote:
My rabbits will allow me to vacuum them lol.
I do it all the time. :shock:

I just did it (vacuum) my bunny thisafternoon. I hold her in one arm, and vac up theshedding hair. I use a longer hose so the motor isn't asnoisy. After it's done, I give her a treat.

Rainbows! :)