Flaky skin?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2012
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Dry skin? Mites? What?

Crush is a three year old Holland Lop, neutered, male rabbit. He is not housed with any other rabbits(although I do own dogs), and he is litter box trained, so he has his litter box to do his business in, and his blanket to sleep on. I clean his litter box regularly, and launder his blanket minimally once a week - usually twice.

He's been a shedder since I got him a year ago. Major shedder. I mean, worse than my dogs combined and always has been. Or at least, the entire time I've had him. Nothing about that has changed. He's had days where he sheds less, but I mean, overall, he's a very fur-shedding bun.

He has maloclussions of his front teeth which are trimmed monthly. He also has callouses from previous sore hock. I'm assuming from when his original owners had him on pine bedding with no litter box? These have not changed in the year I have had him. They're just calloused and pink.

I took him in today and the lady who trims his teeth noticed something that I hadn't. His skin is very flaky. She said to keep an eye on him because it could be mites.

He doesn't appear to be itchy at all. He's acting normal. He's eating normal. He's pooping and peeing normal. He has no other symptoms and he isn't losing patches of fur either(other than his regular shedding which certainly isn't in patches or clumps)... Any ideas?

Could it just be dry skin? Could the laundry soap I'm using on his blanket be effecting his skin?

I do plan to take him in to the Vet for a check up soon, but as I'm moving at the end of the month and just blew a few grand on rent and damage alone, and have bills to pay too, things are tight and if it can be avoided, I'd like to. I'll take him in if it's necessary or if he shows any other symptoms, but for the moment, I'd prefer to wait til next month.

Any ideas would be great... And any other symptoms I should watch for that would deem the Vet necessary right away or sooner? And what should I watch for if it is mites?

Also - if it's a question at all, my dogs are both fine and have had no issues and are flea/mite free.

If anyone wants pictures, I'll try to get some up tomorrow.

ETA - I forgot to add his diet. He gets unlimited timothy hay, and timothy hay pellets(a scoop once a day) with the occasional vegetable or fruit(not so occasional) offered as an added goody.
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Is his skin flakey all over?

I've only experienced flaky skin once, but my rabbit had just one patch of fur where the skin was really flaky. The vet did a skin scrape and found a bacterial infection, so my bunny just took an antibiotic and it went away.

With the laundry soap, you could try a fragrance free, hypoallergenic soap. That might help, but I don't know if that's likely the cause. Maybe it has something to do with his teeth being misalligned and he sometimes has trouble grooming properly? It could also be mites, so you should probably get him checked. What they do is scape up some dead skin and see if there's anything in it.

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