First Trip to the Vet

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Thursday will be Oswald's first trip to the vet. The doctor will be giving Oswald a physical examination and we will be discussing the timeline for Oswald's neuter and other necessary veterinary care. I am also planning to ask the vet to show me how to trim Oswald's nails. I want to make sure that he is as comfortable as possible, and I also want to make sure that I learn as much as possible from the appointment.

What sort of questions should I ask the vet to make sure that I get the most out of the appointment?

What should I do to make sure Oswald is comfortable during the drive and during the actual appointment?

Is there anything that I should bring with me?

Amy and Oswald

Hi Amy,

I wondered the same thing for our first vet visit. We weren't settled on a vet yet.

My concern in your case would be discussing the neuter. Ask how the procedure will be done, what kind of anesthesia will be used, ask how many he has done and what the sucess rate is, ask what kind of pain meds will be given after the neuter. TRICK QUESTION!!>>>"Should the bunnie fast before surgery?" Answer=NO;)

I would mix the questions with ones you know and ones you don't.

We were in for the first time with a bunnie that possibly had a GI stasis soon as the vet mentioned giving canned pumpkin and some fresh pineapple, I was sold!

I think one of the members had prepared a question sheet to take to the vets. I'll see if I can find it.


Carolyn wrote:
Don't be afraid to ask the vet questions during the check-up. Record the rabbit's weight, check the rabbit's teeth, his ears, feel for tumors or bumps, check the eyes, heart rate, feet, gums, temperature, does the stomach feel normal, lumps? empty? too full?

Ask the vet to teach you as he/she is checking for these things so that you can keep tabs on it. Ask about what he/she thinks of the fur, and legs. You might question the vet about diet and their recommendation as to the needs of a rabbit his/her age.

I always get my money's worth and more when I go to the vet. Don't be afraid to go in with a list of questions. That's what they're there for and that's what you're paying for. If you don't understand what they're saying, tell them to restate it until you do.



The aboveis from another thread, not the one that Jim was referring to, but a good one, too. :)
That thread was extremely helpful. I wrote down many of the suggestions and questions in my trusty moleskine (I carry it everywhere) so that I have them when we go to the vet.


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