First time bunny?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2012
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I know a 12 year old girl who was on the waiting list to get one of my babies, but they all sold before her name came up. She still wants a bunny, and wants to know what breed is best for the beginner. Mine was a Rex, but of course they get pretty big compared to most breeds. I said Mini Rex because my buck is a sweetie, but I am not sure because I had a doe that was... let's just say... not the nicest. I know it depends on the individual, but *in general* what are some good breeds to start out with? I told her to reasearch Mini Rex, Holland Lop, and Netherland Dwarf because I have heard they are good starters, but I have no experience with the latter two.
Hollands are a very common youth breed and are a good starter. They can get expensive just like the Mini Rex and can show for FOREVER lol I knew a lady who was showing a nine year old buck!

Netherlands are a good breed as far as disposistion but can also become very expensive and have hard times reproducing. Either you get no babies because they dont take. Or you get 1-2 babies sometimes 3 but one is a peanut. I would say rex are great for kids who dont mind a bigger bun. Polish are also a good kids breed and are pretty popular. Jersey Woolys are always friendly and dont need as much grooming as people might think. Dutch are a good kids breed and mini lops also. Of course meat pen breeds are a great way to increase a college fund!
I'd agree with Vicki-Hollands I think are a very good starter breed. They're friendly and will let you snuggle them, are super cute but also have quite a bit of spunk...not to mention being the CUTEST things in the world...

I like mini rexes, but at least with the ones we've had, they all seem to nibble. They'll let you snuggle them but then ramdomly always just start nibbling, which really gets to me as I always have holes chewed in everything from them.
I always picture a Dutch as a kids rabbit for some reason.
I would say Mini Rex, Polish and American Fuzzy Lops. I beleave that Fuzzy Lops can show up in Holland Lop litters but am not for sure on that. My friend breeds Fuzzy Lops and hers are the best behaved rabbits. I have another friend that does Mini Rex, Polish, English Spots and Californians. The Mini Rex and Polish make the best pets. The polish are supper cute. I am partial to the Mini Rex though. The first breed that I had was Mini Rex. I think that as long as I have rabbits I will have Mini Rex. So I think that my top 2 breeds in order are 1)Mini Rex and 2) Polish.

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