First the dog now the cat?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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, Pennsylvania, USA
SERIOUSLY? lol, i tell you. Ok so my dog Sam ( i just had to have Buzz put to sleep in Dec, i have two dogs left and i am quickly running out of dogs,lol) Sam has to have his teeth cleaned, and he has a lump on his back leg that i feel is affecting his walking. A few years back i had his teeth cleaned and 12 fatty tumors removed, when i picked him up he looked like Edward Scissor Hands got a hold of him , and i vowed never to do that to him again. So this time i am only having one real big one removed. So i took him Sat to the vet for pre op blood work because he is 14 1/2 - 15 years old so he needs his old man blood work. I bought up results from a few years ago that suspected Cushings disease. The doc looked him over and he does show some other signs of Cushings, but didnt make it sound like it was anything that we were going to treat, but there are of course precautions that are going to have to be done. Cushings is basically an over production of steriod in the dog, which can cause an enlarged liver, pop belly appearance, and excessive drinking , urintation and panting. When he gets surgery they will have to be more careful as they tend to heal alot slower and you have to be a little more cautious. The lump i will not have biopsied, because my look at it is that if he has cancer i will not be doing anything about it so i just want him to live out what life he is going to have. He did say that they tumor could be evasive and wrapped in the muscle or affecting the nerves so he might not be able to get it all out. I get the results on monday and we will go from there, i have his surgery scheduled for March 23.

So you would think my animals would give me a break right? WRONG!!!!! I noticed my cat walking and her back end going out on her, and it looks like she is walking on the whole back of her foot instead of the foot part, hope that makes sense. I was told by another vet once that her knee caps pop out of place, so maybe it is that or maybe it is something else, who the heck knows. I have to call tomorrow to make an appointment for her. My animals are killing my bank account,lol wish them luck
Goodness Fran..i'm sorry to hear must be so stressful on you as well

Wishing both of them the best
My old dog is currently undergoing tests for Cushings. Are they going to test your doggie for it? We were told that if she has it, she will be on daily medication for the rest of her life. Our vet told us if it wasn't kept under control, that the Dog won't live much longer then a year or two. I'm suprised the vet didn't do a test for it. We forked out a ton lately for tests, but they haven't come back yet!

Good luck to your kittie and doggie!
thank you Cheryl

Grace the vet will be able to tell by a certain value in his blood work if it is cushings or not. He said something about taking an xray i think to look at the liver but we will talk about that at a later time , probably when he comes in for the teeth and surgery, if the levels are too bad then we will address it sooner. As far as medicine my friend is a vet tech and i had something a few years back about the possibility of him having cushings and we talked about medication and basically the medicine is maintenance medication, cushings of course cant be cured. She said that the maintenance meds are very expensive. If he has it we will probably only do medication if he is in some kind of pain, apparently he must have had this for quite a few years already. but i shall see what else the doc says
:hug:to all of you who are being put thru it by your pets. i shall never moan at the cost of the buns and dogs vaccinations again - even tho' i gave all my money to the vet last month:(

Aww Thank you. I hear you about giving all my money to the vet i am about to do that,lol. The price we pay for our loved animals,lol
Good luck with Sam and your kitty. I hope neither are anything serious. I feel for you on the vet bills. I've spent more on vet bills (for the rescue) in the last two years than I have on human medical care.
ok so here is where i am at, at the moment.

Sam -dog- blood test came back with some of his liver levels high and one extremely high. But another level that is usually high with Cushings came back normal. So what is the agenda now is to get him an xray and ultrasound on his liver, sometimes the liver looks a certain way , as far as the swelling. He will be looking for tumors on the liver since his one levels were so high. Then we will have to decide whether or not we are going for surgery or just letting things be for however long he has. I think i have decided that if it comes back as cancer on his liver i will probably forgoe the surgery and just let him live out what time he has, if there is nothing with his liver then we will preceed with testing for Cushings then medicate him accordingly. There are a few tests for Cushings and none are 100 percent in diagnosing it, so we will start with a urine test and if we get a positive then we will start the medications.

Now on to my cat, i got the phone call for my dog a few minutes before i walked out to go to the vet with t he cat. Willow, my cat, well the vet doesn't feel any lumps or breaks but it does feel like some muscle loss. She took blood and did a urine analysis , she wants to check for Diabetes , in some cases when they have diabetes they can have muscle weakness, if it is diabettes we will treat accordingly , i dont know what that is going to entail i shall talk to that vet tommorrow about it, if it is not diabetes we will treat for a muscle strain with some anti inflamatories, and see what time gives us.

ugh!!!!!!! i tell you
Got a phone call from the vet today about Willow my cat and her blood work came back good!!!!! kidney values, thyroid, and testing for diabetes. So now she is thinking torn , or something wrong with her Achilles' tendon, which means possible surgery. So for the moment we are treating her with metacam , and trying to restrict her jumping which unless i lock her in an empty room is going to be impossible,lol. I will try to minimize her jumping, the vet did tell me she thought she might have heard a little murmur , but didnt say anything more then that. I will treat her with the metacam for the next two weeks and we will see how she is doing then , if it seems that she is doing better then woo hoo for her, if not then I will have to look into an orthopedic surgon for her, lets pray for the better of the two options.

So that is where we are at now, Sam my dog has to go back on the 23 rd for his ultrasound and x ray, and then we will decide on whether or not we proceed with the surgery or not.
thank you, i seriously hope this year isnt going to be like last year, in the animal catagory i lost Sooty, my foster guinea pig and my dog,lol. I was hoping that this year would be better,lol
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
thank you, i seriously hope this year isnt going to be like last year, in the animal catagory i lost Sooty, my foster guinea pig and my dog,lol. I was hoping that this year would be better,lol

I hope this year is different as well. Losing all my boys inone week. Don't EVER want to go through that again.
*UPDATE- After having Willow on Anti inflamatory for a week it actually looks like it is getting worse, her leg looks like it is lamer then before. so on friday i take Sam in the morning to get his ultrasound and xray, he will stay there until 415 when i take Willow to see a new vet and then take them both home. Sam's surgery has been canceled for the time being as i just wasnt expecting this with the cat and i dont have the funds for both surgeries, after care and up keep of the cushings. SO we will find out what is going on with Sams liver, do more tests for Cushings if nothing else is discovered wit the liver, and then get him on whatever Maintenance meds he will need to be on and then all the follow up blood work till things are good. Willow will get surgery if need be, and hopefully recover fine. Sam will get his teeth done and the lump removed possibly begining of next year unless i can come up with the money before hand. uuggghhh i think Sam did this on purpose, see he heard me talking about Willow needing surgery so he went and stepped on her leg the other day so that she definetly needed surgery,lol. uuugggghhhh they are killing me these animals
Today Sam is at the vet and is suppose to get an ultrasound and xray of his liver, we canceled the teeth cleaning and lump removal for the time being. Willow has an appointment at 415 for her leg with the vet i took Sam to, so when i go there with her i will pick him up, unfortunately he will be there all day. I did call at 930 to check on how he was doing and they said he was doing good. So again we wait and see, i have to wait about what is going on with Sam and i have to wait for what is going on with Willow, i hate waiting and am not the most patient person,lol
Bad news for both dog and cat, ugh now i have decisions on course of action. Why is this happening to me, i lost three animals last year and you are telling me i could loose two more this year? SERIOUSLY? i cant win, i swear
Willow is looking to be cancer, there is no definte one hundered percent answer unless a MRI is done, but going on what they see in the xray and her signs it is looking like Cancer, nerve,lympnoma cancer. We are giving her a steriod for two weeks and then we are going to re xray and discuss possibly amutation of the leg. Amputating the leg could give her a little longer, especially if the cancer is there in the leg, also she isnt using it so it will help her cause as of right now it is a hinderance that she is draging around. So we have to decide if we want to do that.

Sam, the dog, has cancer or possibly something relative to hepatitus in dogs, again we would have to do a biopsy of the liver, and a catscan to determine 100 percent. Either way it is one of the two with a prognosis of crap. Cancer 6 to 12 months, the other thing a lil over a year. Sam's liver is extremly large, and his colon is enlarged also. He is on something to help his liver, and get the toxins out nad help his liver as much as we can, and a steriod, he goes back in a month , i have to call to double check that one. We will re xray Sams liver to see how that is doing and re do the blood work to see how is levels are doing. So it is all crap , and they didnt get a good out look, today was a hard visit getting such bad news for two pets within minutes of each other, ugh. But now i am in Deal with it mode, and have some crappy decisions to mamke and lots of thinking to do.

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