First Check up!

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Sep 21, 2006
Reaction score
Newton, Massachusetts, USA
I just made an appointment for a check up for myrabbit, this is going to be the first! Also the doctor is going to talkabout neuturing/spaying the rabbit, I don't know if it's a boy or girlyet! I'm thinking it's a boy but not 100%. Just kind of nervous anddon't know what is going to happen, but I know it's the best for myrabbit. :)

My rabbit has been sneezing a lot recently, I'm not sure what caused itbut i'm scared that he might be sick. Although I haven't seen anythingodd so far, eating/drinking and pooing looks normal and he's reallyactive, but just sneezes from time to time.

I'm looking forward to the check up, plus i can get dismissed from school for this! hehe :cool:
It's on October 18 at 12:30 P.M. (EST)
Astro- so glad you're doing this.Should be fine. Ask if there will be pre-surgery testsdone. Should just be a fecal test and bloodwork. Ifall looks good, they will do the op, and should be just fine.Snuffles was done one week ago and they also did my deceased BunBunfive years ago. So, try not to worry, just make sure, byasking questions, that he/she is rabbit vet/savvy.

How many rabbits have they spay/neutered in the past year?

All sucessful? If not, what happened.

What kind of spay/neuter are they performing-on males can be open/closed, etc.

Try to ask these questions to the vet, have the receptionist ask and call you back.

Funny, i was just going to post on Daisy's upcoming 1st year physical in Oct. Pretty big deal!:)

As for the sneezing, is there any clear or cloudy liquid coming fromthe nose? If not, it may just be hay or pellet dust. But you can alwayshave the vet take a look when you take her in, to be sure. In themeantime, watch her for any further changes so you can catch anyproblem in the early stages.

Try to remove any pellet dust from the bowl when you put pellets in.

I had a wall-mount plastic feeder that had small holes in the bottom tolet out the dust. It potentially can cause respiratory problems. I wentback to the crock when she got grown enough that i could reduce thepellets to a very small amount.
Also, Astroboy, Angel is a minirex, and shealmost always sneezes while grooming. I figure that is fromhow the fur is, very short and velvetee?. I've heard Snufflessneeze once or twice, that's it. Only clear, if you didn'ttouch, you wouldn't even see it. :D

Thanks for the replies, my minirex seems normalphysically. No running nose or problem with eye, also I don't feed myrabbit pellets, I just feed him tim hay. What Snuffles said, I guess itmight be normal. But being checked up on it wouldn't hurt and i've beenkeeping a close eye on him. :)
Astroboy, you don't feed greens? Also a small amount of pellets helps because it's hard to get a balanced diet without any.

A rabbit eating only timothy hay is like a human eating onlyrice. It's not a balanced diet and health problems caused bynutritional deficiencies are bound to happen. In order tohave a good diet with no pellets, you need several types of hay(timothy, oat, meadow grass, etc) as well as a huge amount of variedveggies. The pile of veggies given daily should be the samesize as the rabbit and there should be at least three types of leafygreens, preferably more, including at least one that provides vitamin Aand something with good calcium content.

Not to mention the rabbit needs direct sunlight (not through a uv-protective window) so he can make Vitamin D.

See how hard it is to feed rabbits correctly without pellets?A small amount of pellets such as 1/8 cup can ensure that your rabbitgets at least a small amount of every nutrient he needs.