Shaded Night Rabbitry
Well-Known Member
Just had 3 kits born just minutes ago. (Okay, closer to 45 minutes ago...)
The breeding was a sable point x broken black otter.
One black hippo. (Didn't see any kind of triangle or non-black belly)
One black baby. He's like, a mile long. o.o; Is length set when their born? I know you can get hints as to bone at birth, but I've never had a kit this long.
; Which is weird, since both parents are relatively short. (No where near where I'd like them to be, but certainly no where near this. Reminded me of a Himalayan. XD)
And one broken baby. I can't tell if it's an otter or black yet. I'll have to wait until it grows a little and I can see the ear color. XD It's hecka cute. Light in markings, but I'm hoping it hits the 10%? It has eye circles, both sides of the butterfly, both ears, lots of dots of color on the head, and a stripe, similar to mom, down the back. Mom probably has about 7% color. >.>; But she has no nose marking, which was my big concern with these babies.
I think I might foster these two off, give momma a week's break, and rebreed her to a Chin. (Whoohoo! New color project. Chinchillas, with a side of chestnut and silver marten!) Then I'd have two batches of chin babies cooking. (Well, chin and tan patterns, since everyone either is or carries for it.)
I'm SO pumped. I'll take pics tomorrow, once I've let momma chill out a little, and I can have access to a camera. (Well, camera phone, but it works better in the light anyway.)
8D Eee!
Oooh. I can do pics of the parents, however. 8D
GC Lots-A-Hop's Kiddo
(No, he cannot take good pictures for me. Some day I'll spend a few hours fighting him to get a nice photo, rather than the 30 minutes it took to get this one. XD)
Hidden Jule's Dipp, broken black otter
This is her 3 month photo. I believe she's about 5 1/2 months right now.
I am in loooove with the little broken baby. I'd love for it to be a broken black doe that I could infuse back into my sable points. (Although, knowing my luck I'd get all broken seals. >.>
OH! Question for Pam:
Seals don't really pass for blacks... But can they pass as broken blacks on the table? It seems like it'd be super duper hard to really tell the difference.
Same with registration. How many registrars are well versed enough with genetics to know that a shaded x shaded cannot produce blacks? It'd just be interesting to see. XD
The breeding was a sable point x broken black otter.
One black hippo. (Didn't see any kind of triangle or non-black belly)
One black baby. He's like, a mile long. o.o; Is length set when their born? I know you can get hints as to bone at birth, but I've never had a kit this long.
And one broken baby. I can't tell if it's an otter or black yet. I'll have to wait until it grows a little and I can see the ear color. XD It's hecka cute. Light in markings, but I'm hoping it hits the 10%? It has eye circles, both sides of the butterfly, both ears, lots of dots of color on the head, and a stripe, similar to mom, down the back. Mom probably has about 7% color. >.>; But she has no nose marking, which was my big concern with these babies.
I think I might foster these two off, give momma a week's break, and rebreed her to a Chin. (Whoohoo! New color project. Chinchillas, with a side of chestnut and silver marten!) Then I'd have two batches of chin babies cooking. (Well, chin and tan patterns, since everyone either is or carries for it.)
I'm SO pumped. I'll take pics tomorrow, once I've let momma chill out a little, and I can have access to a camera. (Well, camera phone, but it works better in the light anyway.)
8D Eee!
Oooh. I can do pics of the parents, however. 8D
GC Lots-A-Hop's Kiddo
(No, he cannot take good pictures for me. Some day I'll spend a few hours fighting him to get a nice photo, rather than the 30 minutes it took to get this one. XD)

Hidden Jule's Dipp, broken black otter
This is her 3 month photo. I believe she's about 5 1/2 months right now.

I am in loooove with the little broken baby. I'd love for it to be a broken black doe that I could infuse back into my sable points. (Although, knowing my luck I'd get all broken seals. >.>
OH! Question for Pam:
Seals don't really pass for blacks... But can they pass as broken blacks on the table? It seems like it'd be super duper hard to really tell the difference.
Same with registration. How many registrars are well versed enough with genetics to know that a shaded x shaded cannot produce blacks? It'd just be interesting to see. XD