First Bonding Session with Rice and Beans

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
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Queens, New York, USA
So it's been a few weeks now since Beans tore a hole in Rice's ear and the ear is looking much better. I decided to try and have my first real bonding session with the two. So i followed the advice i've seen here on RO and put them both in the tub and had a water bottle spray. At first they ignored eachother and were trying to find their way out of the tub. When they gave up and noticed eachother, right away Beans tried to attack. I swear I watched them for about 25 minutes in that tub and it seemed like every 1-2 minutes i had to spray Beans! I decided enough was enough and i returned them to their room. You know whats funny though is that when one is out of cage (whether its Rice or Beans) they will go straight to the other rabbit's cage and sit next to them and chill out and not try to fight eachother through the wires. But as soon as both are free, forget it. What is going on? Will they ever be friends?
This is EXACTLY what our rabbits do. They will lie next to each other, with one in the cage and one just outside, and they will acknowledge each other, but once they are both outside of the cages a fight breaks out. Our buns were a bonded pair when we adopted them, but they've been separated since their big fights last September.

Have you seen this site yet?

Although small areas like the bathtub do work for bonding some rabbits, it makes problems worse for others. I tried bonding Mocha and Loki in the bathtub, and all they did was fight. I realized that part of it was because they couldn't get away from each other. I moved their bonding spot into my bedroom, which was neutral territory, and although they still fought a little it was much less frequent and easier to break up. They are now completely bonded and get upset when the other is out of sight or being picked up.

Spraying water only works so much. If they really want to fight enough they will ignore it or sometimes get more upset. If your rabbits are constantly being aggressive, try doing shorter sessions. They need to work out who is going to be dominant, but constant fighting is not only not productive (and can give them bad memories for later) but can be dangerous. Mocha ripped Fey's belly open during a bonding session.

I am currently working on rebonding Fey and Sprite. For some time now, James and I have been picking them both up and snuggling them together in our arms, petting both of them and mixing their scents. We also switch their cages once a week or so to break up their territory. I have started doing bathtub sessions with them and they are going decently with no outward aggression, while they had attacked each other back in December. I think the all the forced snuggling, scent mixing, and territory changing really helped.
Yea, i switch their cages all the time as well. It's just disconcerting because Rice knows Beans is the dominant one. She never goes after her and even lowers her whole body almost as if to beg Beans not to start a fight. It's like she wants Beans to get over herself and be friends but Beans doesnt want it. And the reason i got Rice in the first place was so that Beans could have a friend. now im thinking about just getting 2 neutered males and try to bond one with Rice and one with Beans...
Oops:shock:. Sorry about that. I figured that if they weren't fixed, then that the could be the problem. Never mind:)
Aww, thanks:D I've never actually had experience bonding, though. Mine came bonded "right out of the box" so to speak. They are a mother-son pair. I'm sure someone on here must have the answer, though:)