First Aid Kit for Buns!

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Retired Moderator
May 25, 2006
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Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Since the other night when Dandi decided to do a Jaws impression and try to eat all the other bunns...Tony and I have decided to make a First Aid Kit for the bunns just have on hand!:?

I will be going shopping for all the essentials on Friday of this week so please chip in anything you can think of that would be good to have handy at midnight when all the pharmacies and pet stores are closed(or that you have needed/found useful in the past)...'cause bunny emergencies never happen during vet hours!:D

So far I have:polysporin(no pain med type), Iodine, Ovol, Nutri-cal, Q-tips, cotton swabs, Med tape, gauze bandages, baby aspirin(does anyone know the dosage per kg of bunny weight for these?), Blood Stop Swabs (in case they get their quick nicked). Can anyone think of anyhting else? I'd rather have tons of stuff and never use it than not have what I need when I need it!:shock:

This would make an excellent pin for first time bunny owners don't you think?:) All the First Aid Essentials?
In my first aid kit I also keep Pedialyte (which can be frozen in ice cube trays once opened), syringes without needles, pellet dust (I sift it out and save it in case I need it for a pellet slurry), I don't use any thing other than flour to stop bleeding so I keep a small container of it as well.
JimD wrote:
Hello All !!

At the Bunnie Party we had a chance to see what Buck kept on hand for the bunnies.

Danielle wrote down everything and I thought it would be nice to share it with everybody.

He kept everything in a big yellow toolbox:

Records for each rabbit

Nail clippers

Cotton balls

Styptic powder

Small cup

Comb, regular

Comb, fine tooth



“Bag Balm”


Baby bottle

Nail files




Eye dropper



Clothes pins

Infant gas relief drops (Simethicone?)

Hydrogen peroxide

Mineral oil


Liqui-Lytes (Gerber)

Saline solution



Fleatrol powder

Boric acid powder
Thanks JimD!

Is Benebac only available from vets?? Or can you get it over the counter too?

MBB- At Petsmart I found these swabs that you break at one end and they have stypic liquid in them as well as lidocaine to stop the pain. Thank goodness I have only had to use them once so far!:? But they worked really well! I'm sure the lidocaine helped take away the bunns pain...and a bit of mommas guilt too!:( Expensive though...20 Q-tipswas I think $21.00! Ouch! Only drawback is if you don't use them they dry up so you have to replace them once a year! I keep flour on hand though for bigger owwies! Like when Peppy tore off her toenail...flour seemed kinder than stypic powder!:?
Spring- Def a good idea! :D We had to make a small one up for Dandi's face after his surgery! Rice socks are the best! Before we had to keep running and putting cloths in the dryer to heat them up! Maybe make a couple up and store them in the box in a Ziploc!Excellent!:D

Good ideas...keep 'em coming!:D
Runestonez wrote:
Thanks JimD!

Is Benebac only available from vets?? Or can you get it over the counter too?

The only time I had to use it, I got it from the vet.
It can be bought online so I assume that it might be an OTC item.
Runestonez wrote:
...flour seemed kinder than stypic powder!:?
I keep a small container of cornstarch in my kit.
BEFOREI start to clip, I get a small cup of water, some Q-tips, and the cornstarch all prepared just in case.

Trimming nails here is always a hair raising experience!:? The 2 girls both have black nails...holding a flashlight to them does nothing! Bummy has white nails so he's OK...Dandi has black and white...and the new bunn looks like he has some black as well! There has to be an easier way than the clip and pray method!:?
I also keep a can of pumpkin (for GI issues)and a jar of banana baby food (for flavoring meds).

Just remember to check expiration dates on EVERYTHING on a regular basis.

A small flashlight is a good idea, too. I use it to hold behind dark nails to help see the quick when clipping.

Runestonez wrote:
There has to be an easier way than the clip and pray method!:?

In some cases, you'll note a slight indentation on the bottom of the nail where the nail thickens and the quick begins.


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