Fiona and I

Rabbits Online Forum

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user 7568

Active Member
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
We are new here! Fiona is my new lionhead bunny girl I got from a pet store two weeks ago. Yep, impulse purchase. Had been wanting a new 'furry' but I already have 3 dogs (two Chihuahuas and one sm. terrier) and 3 cats. Couldn't have anymore of those so I got myself a bun. She's SO SWEET!!! I think she's about 10 weeks old.

Oh, we live in Omaha, Nebraska


:welcome1to the forum! She is beautiful! This is a great website with friendly people who have a lot of experience and are all mad about rabbits. I look forward to hearing about your life as a bunny slave!

Hello and Welcome To RabbitsOnline! Fiona is such a cute little girl, can't wait to see more pictures of her.

RO is the best rabbits fourm ever, we are all welcoming and we all share the passion for rabbits! *laughs to self, sounds very cheesy*

But anyways, can't wait to see/hear more about Fiona. :)

Thanks for the VERY warm welcome! I've learned so much just from reading posts here. That has made all the difference in what I expected in a pet bunny! I really had no idea what I had gotten myself into. I meant that in the BEST way possible! I'm so excited to share my life with Fiona now, knowing what wonderful pets they are.

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