Finally old enougn to have treats...

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Active Member
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
Piedmont, North Carolina, USA
...and he wants no part of them so far. My husband tried twice to give him a small piece of carrot. Nope. Didn't want that. Just now I tried giving him an apple slice in his dish. He sniffed it, ran over to his hay and ate some of that, came back and sat by his dish looking at me like, "There are a few perfectly good pellets still in there, what the heck is this thing?" Now he's chewing on his hidey hut.

Funny little rabbit.
Harley wouldn't touch craisens or carrot either.
He likes banana now though. He didn't even have to think about it, just nom nom nom.
It can take some time for rabbits to get used to new foods and that does include treats. What I do is put the treat in a dish or somewhere that they rabbit has easy access to it and it won't end up buried under bedding or something. If it is fresh, make sure not to leave it out too long so it doesn't spoil. It may take a few hours or even days for them to eat it. Once they do start to eat it, then try offering it to them and if they don't take it put it in the dish. If they really like it, they will start to take if from your hand.

I use dried apple slices and some dried banana for Korr and Amelia. It is mostly to get Amelia to come to me and be more social (it does work), but since she is bonded to Korr he gets some too. It did take some time for her to want to take it from me and I could not just leave it in the dish as Korr would eat it. When they were separated after her spay, I did get more of a chance to get her used to treats.
Last night he took the apple out of his dish to get to the pellets underneath. I am going to get some banana tomorrow and try that. He might like the dried better. Good idea!

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