Finally litter trained!

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Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
York, South Carolina, USA
So after a few days of litter box issues. I thought her butt was too big for the box...
She is finally litter box trained!
It turns out that I was using the wrong kind of litter for her. I was just using shredded newspaper with some hay on top and she didn't like it.
Now, I have wood pellets with some hay and she pees in the box every time!
There are still stray poops in her cage and on her blanket, but she pees exclusively in the box!
She started using the box full time on Wednesday of last week. I cleaned it Thursday night in the middle of the night, as we were leaving to go out of town Friday afternoon.
I was worried that she wasn't going to use the box and I would come home to her covered in her own pee, but she used the box ALL weekend!
I am so proud of her! Its very exciting!
it took me a few tries to figure out exactly what charmmy would like ehr cage to be like finally we carpeted the bottom of the cage and used regular carefresh bedding for the litterbox and it worked! now we use shredded paper and some carefresh oddly the hay never helped her pee in the litter box. but its right next to her box so she eats and sits int the box. im very happy you got your foo foo to go in the box!
I tried the wood pelits but my rabbits hated them. They would not use the box with it had them in it. Mine only like the Kaytee Soft Granule Blend.

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