FINALLY!! I'm going to the dentist tomorrow!

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
YAY!! For those who remember me and my horribleproblems with my tooth, you'll all realize how happy I am. It'sinfected again, throbbing, and for those that remember -- no dentistwould pull it because of... something or another. Well, I got in to seethis really good oral surgeon, which is allowing us to be billed andpay the bill in payments. Woohoo! I'm going for the consultation,x-rays, some antibiotics and pain killers in the morning. Myappointment is at 8am, it's an hour drive (living in the country hasits drawbacks!) so I gotta leave at like 6:45am.

Anyways, the plan is to have all four wisdom teeth pulled at once, so I can have this problem over and done with!

Dentists freak me out, but family and friends have gone to him (mymother included) and says he is wonderful and extremely nice. So, wishme luck!
Oh sweetie. I sympathize.Yikes, make sure right after when the gauzes are on, to put as muchpressure as you can without dying, for at least 20 mins. Iswear, it makes it stop so fast as opposed to NO pressure.

GOOD LUCK!:kiss:
Good Luck!

I had all 4 wisdom teethcut out6 weeks ago. It'snot a comfy feeling that's for sure. I still don't want to eatapplesauce, cottage cheese, pudding etc. My jaw was swollen for a good2 weeks so I couldn't move my jaw much to actually eat soft food so wasbasically on a liquid diet. Ican't swollow pills so my docprescribed liquid medication. I totally recommend liquid meds as I knowthe firstday there's no way I could have evenswollowedpills. Everyones differentbutI'm sending good vibes that you'll be one with littledifficulties.:D
How did the dentist go by the way?

Hey guys, sorry I didn't see the replies earlier!

I went to that oral surgeon, and what a rip-off! First, my dental plandoesn't pay anything. My total bill would've been $1300 to pull all 4wisdom teeth, or nearly $500 just for that one! THEN, the 'paymentplan' was all messed up. He said that AFTER I get the teeth pulled,they MAY be able to work out something with me. Yeah right, like I wastaking that risk!

So, I have an appointment Monday morning at 9am with an oral surgeon atthe charity hospital here. No idea what he's doing, if it's just aconsultation, or if he's actually going to pull it, or what. But if hedoes pull it, it's going to be free since I am unemployed and stillconsidered a full-time student, even though I dropped out of schoolbecause I haven't officially sign the withdrawal papers yet, and Iwon't till the semester officially ends.

Anyways, hopefully he'll pull it, or at least agree to pull it soon.

I'm back on antibiotics, of course, and I've had a sore throat sinceyesterday. No idea why, I'm thinking it's just sinuses. At least mytemple isn't throbbing like it used to.

So, I'll have a (hopefully good!) update Monday.
Oh, how frustrating that must have been for you!Well, I'm crossing my fingers that all goes well for you on Monday, youget the darned thing out and then it is finally done.

Wow - feeling the pain today - just got a billfrom the dentist for the balance of $5000 that the insurance didn'tcover :X

I was so happy to have gotten our balance down to $150 and was so disheartened to have gotten that huge bill today. :?

Well, I got the tooth pulled, YAY! I can't rejoice yet though, I'm in too much pain.

The charity hospital pulled it (for free since I am jobless with noinsurance). It hurt sooooo badly. The dentist was super nice, but holycow. He numbed it, and numbed it, I felt pain, and he numbed it somemore. After sticking me with a needle 20 times and my entire face wasnumb, he finally got it out with minimal pain. But woooooo boy, what anexperience.

My face is very swollen today, and my jaw is real sore. He had to do alot of tugging to get it out, but got it all out in one piece. Becauseof the pushing and tugging, he warned I'd be sore.

I've been looking in the mirror neurotically every 20 minutes to makesure it is clotting (not that I can actually tell, no idea what I'mlooking for) but everyone has me freaked out about 'dry socket'.AHHHHHHH!!!!!! I kept the gauze on all day yesterday and I've only beeneating soup, jello, pudding, and (soy) ice cream. So hopefully I amdoing everything right not to get 'dry socket'.

MyBoyHarper wrote:
And Pam, that is ridiculous about that bill! Can you fightit, or did they have a reason for not paying?

We might be able to get a little knocked off. It'sacontinual fight with them because they don't want to cover anything(what's the point of having insurance???)

Thanks Annabell! :)

Pam, I hear ya! I don't have dental insurance, just a 'discount dentalplan' and out of that $1300 bill the other dentist wanted to charge me,the dental plan offered to pay less than $100! That's like paying onepenny on a hundred dollar bill. It doesn't help one bit!

I would definitely try to fight it, I can't see you having to pay $5000. That's beyond ridiculous!
MyBoyHarper wrote:
I would definitely try to fight it, I can't see you having to pay $5000. That's beyond ridiculous!

The total bill was $13,000! That doesn't even take into account 2 other kids in braces :(


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