Finally got my bunny

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Dec 9, 2006
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Hi, I've been on here researching fora little bit now and today I finally got my first bunny. It'sa silver, shorthaired, male, and he's prettyfriendly. He also seems to like his cage.I don't want to stress him out, so I'm leaving him alone forthe first couple of days, but his cage is right behind mycouch and he can look me right in the face when he props himselfup. He's done that a few times now. I got him fromthe East Valley shelter in L.A. I'm not going to stay longright now because I'm going to read the care packet that I got and thebunny care book. I will post some pics. after Ifigure out how to do so. Thanks for all the usefull info. andhelp with all of my questions.
I'm trying to figure out a name forhim. The shelter had him for less than a month and theycalled him Flash, but he doesn't seem to know his name andI'm not sure if I like that name or not, but nothing I'mthink of seems to "fit". So far I've just been calling him"Little Guy". I was going to let him out of the cage toexplore my kitchen so I put him in there and sat on my bean bag chairin the door way, well, all he did was insist onclimbing on me and trying to get on the other side of thechair. He'd be up by my shoulder and I was putting my hand upflat like a wall to keep him from going there.Well, he was irritated that I wouldn't let him through and hebit me! Not a hard bit, but still. So Itapped him on his head and yelled "NO!" He looked at me andwas still trying to go out, but not as strong. I'vehad his cage open for over an hour now and he's spent most of his timein his cage. I assume that means that he likes his cage andconsiders it safe. I didn't figure he'd like people as muchas he does. I figure he'd be out exploring, but hecomes up to me, climbs on me, tries to dig onme, hops away, then does it all again andagain. I don't have bedding on his floor, I havetowels for him to cuddle in. Anyway, he pees onlyin his litter box, but he poos all over his cage.So far, he hasn't gone when I let him out. I'vebeen cleaning his cage, every day. I'd like him touse just the box, but I'll be extactic if he keeps up withgoing in his cage and not in the apartment. Sorry this hasbeen so long, but I'm excited.
My goodness, how did I miss this? Ithink I do remember him. I was there on Thursday andFriday. Saturday I went to Disneyland, lol. Wherewas his cage in the bunny room? I definately remember thatname. Congratulations.
I suggest sitting next to him while you watchTV. Him in his cage and you on the floor. Just hang out with him. Don'tforce yourself or him to do anything that you don't want to. My bunnyand I really bonded while I was healing from my last ankle surgery. Iwould sit on the floor and open her cage door. We would just "chill"and now she is my little buddy. Just remember that this guy has justmet you and he doesn't know if you want to be his friend or eat him.Just a tip, if he bites you let out a loud "EEEEK!" It sounds like thenoise a bunny makes when it is hurt and it usually lets him know thathe hurt you. Sometimes they are just trying to figure out what you are.My bunny puts everything in her mouth when she is checking it out. SHeis worse than a baby!

Good luck on your pretty grey boy. Just remember that bunnies are prey,so you have to look at the world that way. They are scared that mostthings want to eat them, because in the wild, they do!

Oh and I can't wait to see some pix of him!

Oh and bunnies leave poops around to say,"That's mine." My bunny still leaves little marker poops in her cage,but most of them do end up in the litter box. Just be glad that he peeswhere he is supposed to.

I got him on Sat. I got there a littleafter 4. He was the first bunny that I saw and he came rightup to his door as if to say "take me home with you". On theleft side of the door way, right at eye level. Ithink there was one other cage on top of his.
I've been reading about them and marking theirterritory. He's out now. I've been hanging out inmy bean bag chair so I'll be lower to him. When I got out ofit, he jumped in it and was sniffing around.Well, when I came back, he had peed init. At least it's vinyl so it cleans up easy. Ifigured he smelled me in it and marked it. He likes to sitbetween my patio doors and the wooden blinds. I'm going to beworking on bunny proffing my yard so he can go out, he actslike he'd like to be outside. My dog was laying down and thebunny went to check her out. Well, I told her shewas a good girl so my dog started wagging her tail. It hitthe bunny's ears and he jumped so high. The bunny's cage isright behind my couch on the end I sit on and when he's on the secondlevel, he's actually up higher than I am. I'm justhappy that he's friendly. My sister's rabbit is so unsocialthat all you can do is look at him.

Happy Hopping
My rabbit LOVES the family dog. Infact I knowshe likes the dog ALOT more than the dog likes her. She sees the dogand she stars binkying and runs up to her. :jumpforjoy:It is funnybecause the dog is and old dog (about 11 years) and so she just laysthere and whines at the rabbit. She seems to be concerned about hurtingthe rabbit. Even though she is a BIG dog (Rottie/St. Bernard Mix) sheis very gentle. They have this little game that they play where thebunny goes over the her and the dog paws at her and then the bunny runsaround binkying. Silly animals.:)


*Edited because I can't spell. Those darn words that end in -el or -le get me every time!*