Finally Back with a Bindy&Us update

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
NSW, , Australia

Before I tell you all what's what , I want to say Thank you to you allfor your messages and emails whilst I have been away, they were lovely!!

Ok so we are in the new house, we painted the whole house before wemoved in, moved in and still things have to be unpacked as we also havebeen getting our old house ready to put on the market for sale, on topof that Brett and I work full time, so things have been hard as Brettis only home every 2nd night as he drives (well that was until he quithis job yesterday LOL)

Anyway, so we move in , then it's easter then all this week gone I havebeen off work as sick as 2 dogs not 1. (umm when you are really sickover here we say "sick as a dog", no harm intended just a saying wehave)

So yesterday was my first day back at work (Friday), anyway Bindy isgoing well so far, to start with she did have squashier poopies thannormal but they seem to have settled down now. She went off her hay fora couple of days but that too has settled down.

The first night we let her out for a play was rather funny, sniffing,chinning, exploring and a lot of slipping over, we have polished floorboards in the house and Bindy has only ran on carpet. So thispoor little bunnie is skidding round all over the place , doing thesplits and basically crashing into things if she hops too fast andslides along the floor. (thinking I may need to get her shoes for all 4of her footsies for grip)

Just when I was wondering if ever I would see my Bindy Binky again, shedid a half a flippy type thingy last night which bought the biggestsmile to my face, however there are no bunny 500's around here as thefloor is way too slippery for her. We will eventually lay carpet butright now the floors stay how they are. I just don't know how long itwill take for her to get her confidence in running, she does a fast hopup the hallway but no running yet (which I really miss)

So I am going to do a search (as usual LOL) on ways to help your bunnycope with floorboard living, I guess it's like walking on the moon or aboat on the water for the first time, takes practice and some spillsand you'll get there, anyway I'll post some pics of before and aftershots of the house as soon as I do my Bindy research.

It's great to be back and I missed you all, and like I said Thanks everso much for all the emails and messages asking how we were, Hope youall had a great easter and I look forward to catching up with you alland getting to know all the new people and bunnies who have joinedwhilst I was away.

*** I wuv you guys***

P.S. Just a note about the whole spell check thing , remember when wewere all talking about spell check, well normally I use Mozilla Firefoxinstead of Internet Explorer and on Firefox there is no spell checkthingy in the message box, yet on Explorer there is, so for the Firsttime I will now use spell check.mmm Just thought I'd clear that up LOL

Yay! I'm so thrilled you're back, ariel!

With a mom like you, how could Bindy not binky again? So glad she adjusted so quickly.

Understand what you mean about the slippery floor. My place is allwooden floors and poor Cali looks like Bambi on ice when she tries towork her way over to the carpet. She manages as she moves slower whenshe's on the wooden floor.

"Sick as a dog" My niece asked me once, "Why do they say sick as a dog because dogs don't get sick much."

I truly hope you're feeling better. Don't overdo things because youdon't want to have a relapse. Everything will get done. It'll be therewaiting for you, so take it slowly.

Give Bindy a big kiss and tell her we missed her and her mom very much on the forum.


How's everything going, Ariel?

It's so good to see you backonline.


Hi :)
Well things are going great (well sort of LOL)
Ok after researching here through old posts etc I decided to put an oldblanket down on the floor and we also have a rug, so Bindy is nowBinkying again! YAY!:D:D

The first time she realised she could grip was hilarious! there wereflips and jumps so high and me laughing just made her do more! (brettsaid to me I sounded like I was going to wet myself I was laughing somuch ).

So the Binkys have returned and she is running up and down the hallway a lot faster now, I think it's a confidence thing.

However Bindy is now at the 6 month stage of her life and tonight shehas driven me nuts hopping onto the lounge, she hops up i put her down, she hops up i put her down , well you get the picture,(and no it'snot for hugs cause she normally hops straight into your lap for those,it's a test thing)

what she has done tonight that she hasn't done before is make a"gwaf gwaf" noise at me, she doesn't seem cranky, it's just this noiseas she jumps up as if to say I gunna stay here and NO mummy you notgoing to kick me off.

I think it'll pass, but other than that Bindy is settled in we aresettled in and looks like we are only a couple of weeks away fromselling our old house!! Weehee!:D:D:D

One last thing, Bindy flopped at my feet tonight !!!!!!
I feel so loved, I was watching survivour and the next thing she hoppedover near my feet and flopped and her head was right near my toes!!Ohhh she still loves me even after moving her to a house with slipperyfloorbaords :D