Film Watch 2009

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Mar 3, 2007
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9 Ladies Stone Circle - Derbyshire, , United King
I went to see Scumdog Millionaire at the cinema the other day. This, in itself, is unusual for me, as I'm really not keen on cinemas .. I tend to shame my children by telling people to shut up if they talk and so on, so I never bother going.

However, I'd heard whispers about this film and made the effort and from the start my eyes were glued to the screen. The cinematography is outstanding ... the storyline original and I can honestly say it took me on a total journey.

Anyone seen this yet?
Not yet, but it's on my list. :) It won the best pic award at the Golden Globes recently, didn't it?

I've only been to see two movies so far in the past while...Marley and Me, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Not sure if it's because I'm an animal lover, but I prefered Marley and Me over Benjamin Button. Both were very good movies though.
I have yet to see any movies this year.. but my must see's so far are ....

The Watchmen..


Star Trek

GoinBackToCali wrote:
Star Trek

ooooooooohhhhh....definitely a must-see! My son and I have both been Trek fans (tho different eras) for years. Biggest letdown I ever had though, was several years ago when I took him to a ST convention, and William Shatner was scheduled to appear. We stood in the crowd, anxiously awaiting the infamous Captain Kirk, and when the lights came on and they announced his name, I watched excitedly...but then onto the stage strolled this old, rotund guy. Captain Kirk!?!! What had they done to him?! Omigosh...he looked just like...just dad.

Never has there been a bigger shock to one's system than to see that well-built, shirt-tossing, swaggering lady's man of a captain turn into one's parent. :tears2:
I'm a bit worried that Benjamin Button will be a bit "slow" .. so probably wont go and watch it at the cinema but will be sure to rent it out once it's on DVD. Trouble is, as my little Nethie is called Benjamin Button, I'll keep thinking rabbits ... :biggrin2:

I'd quite like to see the one in 3D that is coming out ...My Bloody Valentine .. that should be fun to see people's reactions in the cinema.

Hiring out RockNRolla tonight .. I'm a bit fan of Toby Kebbell who was in Dead Man's Shoes - looking forward to his performance in RockNRolla.
i am hopefully going to go see MallCop this week with my sister and a friend!!!!! I cant wait it looks so funny, but then i am afraid that the only funny parts are what they s howed in the previews,lol. if anything it will be a nice night out for the girls.
I downloaded slumdog millionaire and watched it yesterday with some friends. It was really really good. A definite must watch! I loed the way it was shot and how they told the story. So good!

Some other movies I want to see are The dark knight, Doubt(altho some of my friends didn't like it but I love meryl streep), Marley and Me, Valkyrie(even tho I hate tom cruise), The reader and Twilight(after I finish the book).

I'm really not an action film fan, but Mike and Hols persuaded me to watch The Dark Knight after they had seen it, not only in an ordinary cinema, but an I Max too, and raved about it.

Got to say ... I thoroughly enjoyed it! Heath Ledger lived up to the hype and has to be one of the most sinister jokers ever ...

At one point in the movie .. despite Mike having seen it TWICE .. he jumped that much he threw his red wine all over me. (Hmm, maybe that was just an excuse).

I'd probably watch it again .. and I can't say that about many movies.

Ooh and I want to see In Bruges .. not seen it yet !

I don't generally go to the theater to see movies, it's just so expensive! However, I will probably be going to see Coraline when it comes out, because I'm a HUGE Neil Gaiman fan. The best author out there, IMO.

Jason and I use Netflix, so we just put stuff on the list and get it whenever it comes out. Because of this, we're pretty behind the times when it comes to movie watching. The waiting list currently has Milk, Frost/Nixon, Doubt, Revolutionary Road, Slumdog Millionaire, Secret Life of Bees, Benjamin Button.

I also use the streaming-to-tv feature from Netflix, last night Jason went out with some friends so I watched a couple things I didn't think he'd care about seeing, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (nice), and Then She Found Me (cute).

Right now we've got Dark Night that we need to watch, I couldn't wait to see it and now we've had it for 2 weeks and haven't watched it yet. Also, Murderball.
Recently watched Hellboy2 (ok, but I didn't like some of the new characters), The X-Files (simply awful!!), and The Namesake (which I loved).

I find myself watching a lot more independent and foreign films since we started with Netflix, it doesn't feel like paying for a movie that I might not like. Also, I don't feel as obligated to choose something that Jason might not care for.

pinksalamander wrote:
I want to see Slumdog Millionaire, only after I saw all the Golden Globe awards it got. I just can't believe Anwar from Skins is in it! LOL

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

I know!! I find that so hilarious! ha ha. He's certainly moved up in the world hasn't he?!:p

I went to see 'Bride Wars' last night. I had a whole day of being stressefd out revising, but I went to see it with a few of my friends and it was the just the right film for that occasion. A great chilled out rom-com. Brilliant.:cool:

Ireally want to see 'Revolutionary Road'. At first I wanted to see it purely for the reason that it has Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio in, but after Kate (finally!) won a Golden Globe for it I thought it had to be great, so that's next on my list.

My best friend loves Brad Pitt so I think I'll be going to see the Benjamin Button film with her as well. I may also see Slumdog millionaire if I get time. It is supposed to be great! It definitely swept the awards!
Also - can I just ask, did anyone see Kate Winslet's speech at the Golden Globes (for best actress). I was laughing so much when she forgot Angelina "Oh, who's the other one?!" Best line of the night!:pI found it so sweet what she said about Leo as well, that she has loved him for 13 years. Her poor hubby must have felt a bit left out in comparison.;)
Has anyone here seen The Wrestler? And if so, what did you think of it?

My MIL called tonight and said she wants to go see that. The reviews don't interest me in any way.

Warning, mini rant:
She didn't *ask* if we wanted to see it, she just said she wants to go see it and we need to go with her. Even more irritating, she is demanding, yet again, that we go see some library with her, that she thinks looks nice.
So. We have said no to going to this darn library at least twice, possibly three times, and she *still* is trying to get us to go. We have also told her we can't afford to go see movies at the theater. (The library thing would be ok, except with her it would probably take at *least* 2 hours because she would want to walk around and look at every detail, even though she's already seen the whole thing many times.)
Even more irritating, Jason said he "feels obligated" to go to the library with her, "otherwise she won't stop asking us to go." We've said no three times, she won't take the hint, to me it's time to tell her we don't want to go. (He's really a wimp about things like that, he will do anything anyone wants him to do, even if he disagrees or doesn't want to do whatever it is. Our engagement was off for a week over him ditching me for a friend of his, about 2 months before our wedding. That may be a huge problem for us down the road.)

Ok, sorry. The Wrestler? Anyone?
Not been to see The Wrestler .. it doesn't really appeal to me, but a couple of friends who have said that it is extremely well acted. Sorry I can't help more.

Hollie is taking me .. (making me take her more like) to see Twilight this week ...

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