Well-Known Member
My two bunnies are 17 weeks old now. Neither are sprayed as they are still too young (they are females)
However, I definately think they are going through puberty as they keeptrying to hump each other, furby more than elmo. This has been going onfor about 3 weeks now. Their litter training( or what they had) hasaslo gone out the window. So far I am being very careful and am keepingan eye on them but do you think there is a big chance they will startfighting now?
Whenever they are outside or in the hutch, They both usually cuddle up together or 1 is grooming the other.
What are my chances of having 2 fighting bunnies?
However, I definately think they are going through puberty as they keeptrying to hump each other, furby more than elmo. This has been going onfor about 3 weeks now. Their litter training( or what they had) hasaslo gone out the window. So far I am being very careful and am keepingan eye on them but do you think there is a big chance they will startfighting now?
Whenever they are outside or in the hutch, They both usually cuddle up together or 1 is grooming the other.
What are my chances of having 2 fighting bunnies?