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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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, , United Kingdom
My two bunnies are 17 weeks old now. Neither are sprayed as they are still too young (they are females)
However, I definately think they are going through puberty as they keeptrying to hump each other, furby more than elmo. This has been going onfor about 3 weeks now. Their litter training( or what they had) hasaslo gone out the window. So far I am being very careful and am keepingan eye on them but do you think there is a big chance they will startfighting now?

Whenever they are outside or in the hutch, They both usually cuddle up together or 1 is grooming the other.

What are my chances of having 2 fighting bunnies?
It's hard to tell. Not all rabbitswill fight at puberty. Fey and Sprite were unspayed sistersthat were kept in a small cage for a year and a half. Spritemounted Fey a lot, and they both chased each other but no furpulling. If Sprite won, she mounted Fey. If Feywon, she held Sprite down and groomed her. If they had foughtin that little cage with nobody around to check on them or care at all,at least one of them would be dead.

It's best to do what you're doing now, which is keeping a close eye onthem. If they start pulling fur out of each other, even ifthey're not breaking skin, it's best to separate them until they'vebeen spayed.
Naturestee is right, it's hard to guess. Myguess would be that them fighting is probably more likely than not butI can't get any more specific than that. My boys got along great untilabout 9 months old when suddenly they started fighting out of the blue.Had I not been home that day, I probably would have come home to a deadrabbit. Ever since then and seeing part of a show on Animal Planetwhere 2 does started fighting and part of one of their tails got rippedoff, I'm terrified to leave 2 rabbits together that have not hit theteen years already and passed it.

It's really up to you but if you are that concerned, you could alwaysseparate them when they are caged and let them out to run together.That way you can keep an eye on them when they are together and notworry about coming home to fighting/hurt rabbits. If they are alwayslet out to run together and are housed near each other, I don'tthink it would provoke fighting but I could be wrong. I justwaited until Zoey turned 11 months old before bonding her and Mocha soI don't have that concern, even though she never hit the teen stage soto say.

I don't want to scare you, I'm not saying they will without a doubtfight, I'm saying there is a possibility. You need to do what you feelis best and if that means keeping them together, then keep themtogether. As long as they are not alone for too long at a time, I'msure things will be fine.
For now can you keep them in a big enough spacefor one to run away if need be? That turned out to be thetrick for my guys. One wanted to bond, the otherdidn't. They'd fight at close quarters, but the persistentone just ran away, and she was never chased very far, just a fewfeet. She kept coming back, and the next thing Iknew, they were necking on the couch. :shock:

sas :) and the gang of five :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
The hutch is big with plenty of room to run. Iwas considering separating them but I came home from work today andwent to see them straight away. One was lying spread out in thelitterbox and the other looked as if it was sleeping and resting herpaws on the other, sometimes grooming, sometimes just lying.

I really am not sure what to do.

At the moment, I think they would miss being together but then again I dont want to come back to a dead rabbit!!!

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