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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
If you could have seen my boy today.....

He was cradled on my lap upside down, and I was stretching his littlefront feet like a hand puppet. Then I bobbled his head around andplayed with his fuzzy cheeks and lips. It was like a very warm sleepyheavy floppy stuffed animal.

Then we went for a walk in the wet leaves. The harness just barelycloses over his ribcage now (since last week). He had so much funstealing leaves and running away.

Then came time to take the harness off....

well! No more good boy!


He shot a good three feet, and I ended up scrubbing the carpet with vinegar water.


Oh, mercy! ... :shock:... This spraying seems to be gaining in popularity among the male bunnies ... :(
[color=aqua, strength=4)">]~*~Amanda~*~


So I'm wondering....how common are "sprayers" among the dwarf breeds?

My Pals are terrors!

To be honest, I havea slim number ofsprayers in my barn. However, I do somehow end up with Dwarf Hototbuck's with yellow faces. LOL! They do alot of 'missing the cage' andhit my barn walls. I think it mainly depends on the rabbit. I've gotone DH who would lick himself to death if he ever got dirty. He's amister picky about his appearance. Maybe he's just trying to stay cleanfor any does he happens to service. :p

I raise dwarfs and i only had one sprayer thisyear, he was sold to a young lady in 4H and is doing well in shows.no ididnt sell him because he sprays i just had too many black bucks.anywayhe lives outside so i dont think the spraying will be too much of anissue.bluebird
... Gir... always... sprays... everything... and... anything... and... anyone.

Oh my this stinker is getting on my nerves... we have three candlesburning just so we can cover up the overpowering smell of urine!

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