Ferret advice needed asap!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
My newest foster is coming this evening and itisn't a dog! I have never had a ferret or anything close to one. Idon't know what I am doing! Any helpful advice, tips, or anything ofthe nature is welcome.

I do know it needs to stay away from the rabbits and pigs. The dogs andcats wont be an issue because they love small critters. I was told heis very friendly. Oh wish me luck! I feel like I am walking into adisaster.
They aresuper playful, like kittens. All the time ;) They sometimes havethe tendency to play rough (i.e. use their mouths), just like kittensdo. It's easily nipped in the bud by removing yourself from thesituation, and not letting them get too wound up while your appendagesare within reach :D Clipping their nails helps to avoid painfulscratches.

They run, bounce, and generally try to act ten times their size. Theymake chattery noises when they're happy. When they're awake, they'regoing-going-going. And when they stop, they sleep. They sleep a lot, infact. Ocassionally you'll have some in between time, when they'remellow enough to want to snuggle and be held :hearts

They have an odor. They are usually great with their litterbox habits.They love burrowing in blankets, and playing with stuffed toys, crinklyballs, boxes, paper bags, tunnels, etc.

They are a LOT of fun and more entertaining than TV. Good luck! :cool:

p.s. I'll try to find some helpful links...
Some other things to know (cautionary advice from a former owner ;))

They will chew, and so pieces of toys, rubber bands, etc. can beinjested and cause serious injury. If it looks like it could beswallowed, keep it out of reach.

They also like to burrow. Double and triple check before sittingon your couch or laying on your bed. Many ferrets have been known tocrawl *inside* chairs and mattresses :shock:

If they can fit their head through, they can fit their body through!One of our ferrets could fit herself under my bedroom door :headsmack

They will find the most ridiculously obscure places to hide. In theevent of a missing ferret, have a treat bag on hand to shake. Theywon't ever resist the temptation to eat.

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