Bonding is the process of helping rabbits befriends. It is usually done with two spayed/neutered rabbits,but it can work with intact same-sex couples or where one is fixed andthe other isn't. It's harder with intact rabbits becausetheir hormones tend to make them territorial, not to mention the matingurge.
I would suggest you wait until you get the boy neutered, and then wait3 weeks after that to make sure he doesn't have any viable spermleft. Otherwise, he will most likely impregnate yourfemale. Even if you keep them separate, neutering would keepyou safe against accidents such as one bunny escaping from the cage-and they can mate through cage walls. Besides, intact malebunnies can be GROSS- just look at Rose's (rabbitgirl's) Bub!Beautiful, smart, funny, and sprays is owner in the face!:shock: