Fellow Rat Lovers

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My girl Chloe:



This was me with my precious heart rat....Fayl (RIP)...


Then my girlies that went to live with my bunnies former foster mommy...

Norma Jean...




Blue Lady...


I suppose later in life I will get two more ratties from a breeder thathas long-lived rat lines. My dream rat is a Burmese Dumbo Rex.

- Amy

Awww, all your ratties are gorgeous, but I loveBlue Lady. I had a siamese tip and a blue dumbo before, both weregorgeous. I love the odd and rare colors, but my albino Snowball willalways be my heart rattie.

I'll also definitely own another pair one day in the future.
Nice! I'll post a pic of the cage mine were intomorrow, I need to find it and upload it to photobucket. I think it'son my desktop and I'm on the laptop right now.
They are SOOOO adorable!Boooooy, do I miss ratties, but I know its best to wait until I am"tougher" and have the time/funds/space for them again in a few years!

- Amy

I agree 100%. The buns are a handful....and I amgetting one more on Sunday! Then I have to go through the bondingprocess, ect.

Mice are cool little pets. I have two of them. Snowpuff (the PEW) isokay with being handled, but Irma HATES it. They are neat to watchthough, but not nearly as cool as ratties.

I am going to wait until my fiance and I move to our own place and arecomfy before adding ratties....which won't happen for quite a few moreyears.

Hopefully we will be moving out this fall though:D. I only have onerequirement...the buns get their OWN personal bedroom and not mycloset, lol.

- Amy

Eve(top) Zorow(bottem right) Poco is Bottemleft! poco and eve where sistas and where feeders...there where in atiny cage and where piled on top of eachouther! i choose them both bythere tail cuz i couldent see them:shock:

undergunfire wrote:
They are SOOOO adorable! Boooooy, do Imiss ratties, but I know its best to wait until I am "tougher" and havethe time/funds/space for them again in a few years!

- Amy
I have had pet mice, but not pet rats. I always said that when our mice died I'd get a couple of rats!!

Our last mouse died last week :( She was my daughter's pet mouse Eek,and she was just the cutest little thing!! Sadly, we didn't even haveher quite a year!! (It would have been a year next week...)

That's the sad thing about them...they just don't live long :(

Rats live a bit longer than mice, but still 2-3 years isn't long :(

Anyway I've just convinced my husband to get another bun, so getting arat is probably out of the question for awhile!! Besides, with rodentsI always have to lock the cat out of the study (where they live) :)Cats are just waaaaay too interested in mice, and I'd think they'd feelthe same about rats!!

BinkyRabbit....make sure that if you get rats,to read up on them A LOT. They do require a ton of care, more than thebuns in my opinion. Almost all rats out there will and usually haveupper respiratory infections more than once in theirlives....especially if coming from a pet store. Be prepaired to spendquite a bit of money at the vets in the rats lifetime. The rat may costyou $10....but you will more than likely end up paying $500+ in vetbills for a single rat in it's lifetime.

I'm not saying that to discourage you from getting rats...but it's justa warning. When I had my three rats one of them was sick...I spent $200on her vet care....and I only had her for two months until my rattieswent on to live with my bunnies old foster mommy.

- Amy:brownbunny
I've never had a rat myself but I took mydaughter to a Charles Dickens festival and they had rat races. This isthe hairless rat.... They say she was bred to be hairless. I had neverseen one before. The owner told me that selective breeding for no hairand deteriorated the health and she is very unhealthy.



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