Fellow homeschoolers?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys...

I've been wondering this for a bit, and just never thought to ask, hehe!

Are there any other parents on the forum that arehomeschoolers? I just started homeschooling my daughter inNovember, and we're LOVIN' it!

Last night, I wisened up, and decided to check out Amazon for herbooks, and wound up saving almost exactly 50%!!WAHOO!! Don't know why I didn't think of it before!

Anyone else have any money/time-saving or project-finding tips??

Share share!!!


I'm not a homeschooler, but yeah, Amazon isgreat for textbooks, especially used textbooks. That's whereI usually sell my books at the end of the year.
I homeschooled for 13 years and loved it. My son says he wants his kids homeschooled when he gets married....we'll see!

I liked Cathy Duffy's curriculum manual where she reviewed booksbecause she often mentioned learning styles. In fact, I once wrote areview called "Reviewing the Reviewers".

You can find a lot of info on


(Eclectic Homeschool Online)

I homeschool Stephanie (age 18), Ryan (16) andMatthew (7). I love homeschooling! I do have arabbit owners homeschool grouphttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/homeschooledrabbits/

I don't have time to devote to it to keep it very active, but thearchives contain a lot of information and links to helpful sites.

We do some fun and creative things if you need ideas in particular areas.

I am homeschooled and am graduating this May.:colors: My mom homeschooled me all the way, and I plan to homeschoolmy kids. My parents founded our local homeschool group.
My brother was also homeschooled all the way and he is now in college.

Thanks for all the resources, guys!! Both of those sites are wonderful!

I've already signed up to your group, Pam, and I've got the eho.orgsite bookmarked. (I'm still quite sick, in fact a bit worsetoday, so I just haven't got the brain power to check the whole thingout...though I have added a couple reviewed books on the site to myever-growing amazon list. :))

Thank you so much!!



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